MICCAI 2020 International Workshop on Computational Diffusion MRI
CDMRI'20 Submissions are open!
The paper submission deadline is the 27th of July, 1am Pacific Time.
Submit your paper using our online submission system.
The review process is double blind; submissions are to be fully anonymised (see the guidelines for anonymity below).
Accepted CDMRI'20 papers will be published in the Computational Diffusion MRI book, as part as the Springer Visualization in Mathematics series (LNCS style).
Author Guidelines (LaTEX2e STYLE FILES)
The manuscript must be prepared with Springer’s style files (LNCS style).
Length: The recommended number of pages is 8, maximum paper length is 12 pages including Abstract, Figures, Figure captions, Tables and References.
Format: PDF for the initial submission. LateX for the camera ready submission.
We encourage the authors to use LateX from the beginning to avoid future conversions. Springer provides templates for LaTeX users that help structure the manuscript, e.g., define the heading hierarchy. Predefined style formats are available for all the necessary structures that are supposed to be part of the manuscript, and these formats can be quickly accessed via hotkeys or special toolbars.
Templates and explanations can be found here and a direct zip folder with files available here. The usage of these templates is not mandatory. Alternatively, you may either use the standard LaTeX article class (for individual contributions) and apply the default settings and styles (e.g., for heading styles, lists, footnotes, etc.).
Note:These templates are not intended for the preparation of the final page layout! Please keep in mind that Springer production department will certainly also have to carry out some small layout changes, even if the authors made use of the above mentioned TEX style files. The final layout will be created by Springer according to Springer’s layout specifications. Thus proofreading will in any case be necessary during the production process.
Abstract: Your contribution should start with a short Abstract of one or two paragraphs which will appear online at with unrestricted access and enable unregistered users to read the abstract as a teaser for the complete chapter. Optimized keywords and abstracts help ensure that your work is found through any relevant online search. To facilitate online searching, using e.g. Google, please provide an abstract (and keywords) for each of the contributions. For further reference visit the documentation on “Optimizing for Google – tips for book authors”.
Subheadings: Please number subheadings subsequently, starting with “1”, also if the first subheading is “1 Introduction”. Regarding the numbering of figures, tables, equations, theorems etc. please use the same style as shown in the “authsamp.pdf”.
Tables and Figures: Springer has compiled a list of key style points on manuscript structure, figure resolution, reference style etc. For easy reference please visit the Key Style Points on Colour illustrations are NOT subject to fees.
References: References must be according to the math and physical sciences reference style. Please note that the references should be numbered. Citations should also be handled uniformly throughout the whole volume. We thus propose to cite any references within the text also by numbers (rather than e.g. by author/year).
Look at the“Mathematical and Physical Sciences.pdf” for extra information, different kinds of references and their presentation.
Ethics: If needed, a statement regarding subject consent and REB (Research Ethics Board) approval should be included in the paper.
Declaration of conflict or commercial interest: All papers should declare any conflict or commercial interest.
Important Notes:
Index: Please keep in mind that all volumes due to be published in the Visualization in Mathematics series should have a proper subject index. Therefore, we would like to ask you to mark index entries throughout your paper. Please provide at least 7 index terms using the LaTeX macro \index{}, for example:
We use spherical harmonics\index{spherical harmonics} to represent the fibre orientation distribution\index{fibre orientation distribution}.
Please make sure that any index entries will be marked by the authors in the TEX file with the \index{} command throughout the complete manuscript. Many thanks in advance for your cooperation.
Springer’s standard Consent to Publish form: We will need the Consent to Publish (CTP) form signed by the corresponding authors. Any work without the CTP will be excluded from the final publication. We will send the form to the corresponding author after the acceptance of the paper, before the camera-ready version.
Anonymity: Failure to comply with the anonymity requirements below will result in automatic rejection of the paper.
- Remove author and institutional information from the author list on the title page. Please replace this information with asterisks and do not delete the lines completely. If you remove the blank lines, then your paper may be regarded as violating the 8 page limit.
- Remove author information from all paper headings.
- Remove clues from the main text that would directly identify any of the authors, such as an acknowledgment section or names of your collaborating partners (hospital, company...).
- Your own published work (including online publications) must be cited in the third person, in a manner that is not traceable to the identity of the authors. For example: "In [5], Hello and Goodbye have proposed ..." is acceptable, whereas "In [5], we have proposed ..." is not.
- Your own work that is in press or accepted for publication and thus not available for the reviewers should be listed as "Anonymous" (with no other information) in the bibliography. For example: "In [5], Muller and Doe have proposed ..." is not acceptable. One should use an anonymous formulation such: “In [5], authors have proposed … “. In the references, simply list [5] Anonymous.
- Anonymize your PDF file. Note that PDF creator programs may accidentally leave author information in the file header.
Camera-ready submission: For the camera-ready version (after paper acceptance), we will ask for a ZIP file containing a PDF version of your final paper and the source files (LaTeX (*.tex) files for the text and PS/EPS/JPG/PDF/PNG files for all figures). Additionally, CTP signed form must be added in the zip file.
Do not hesitate to contact the CDMRI'20 organisers for further information.