NifTK  16.4.1 - 0798f20
CMIC's Translational Medical Imaging Platform
Architecture - Surgical Guidance View - A Brief Guide

The Surgical Guidance View is based around remote tools connecting to NiftyView. At runtime, NiftyView does not know who will be connecting, so the instantiation of tools, and their GUI controls must be dynamic.

The SurgicalGuidanceView Plugin has a GUI created in the widget QmitkIGIToolManager.

class SurgicalGuidanceView : public QmitkBaseLegacyView
QmitkIGIToolManager::Pointer m_ToolManager;

At runtime, the QmitkIGIToolManager enables you to create a new entry in the top QTableWidget, specifying that we are expecting input on a certain port. A remote client can then connect using the NiftyLink established methods, based on OpenIGTLink.

So, the remote client sends a message telling what type of messaging client is connecting. In QmitkIGIToolManager::InterpretMessage we see

// i.e. Create the tool using a Factory Pattern, based on the type of the client descriptor.
ClientDescriptorXMLBuilder *clientInfo = m_ToolFactory->CreateClientDescriptor(type);
// i.e. Create the tool using a Factory Pattern, based on the entire client descriptor.
QmitkIGITool::Pointer tool = m_ToolFactory->CreateTool(*clientInfo);
// i.e. Configure the tool.

Each tool is created, and setup by the QmitkIGIToolManager, and has a reference to the MITK DataStorage and the corresponding socket. Each tool runs independently of whether it has any GUI representation on the screen. This architecture should provide various options for message queuing and threading options later, subject to requirements. This also means that the QmitkIGIToolManager can have any number of tools, listening to any number of sockets, all running independently.

When the user clicks on the QTableWidget, this triggers a request to display the GUI for that selected tool. This means that a tools GUI must be able to connect to the tool, set the state of the GUI, and then pass user button clicks and request to the tool. So the GUI can have a pointer to the tool, and connects the signals of the GUI to the slots of the tool, but the tool must not know about the GUI.

So, in QmitkIGIToolManager::OnCellDoubleClicked we see:

QmitkIGIToolGui::Pointer toolGui = m_ToolFactory->CreateGUI((*tool.GetPointer()), "", "Gui");
toolGui->Initialize(NULL, clientInfo); // Initialize must be called after SetTool.

The QmitkIGIToolFactory creates a GUI dynamically based on the name of the tool. The name of the tools corresponding GUI must be <toolname>Gui. So, QmitkIGIUltrasonixTool, must have a GUI called QmitkIGIUltrasonixToolGui.

In terms of inheritance, each tool derives from QmitkIGITool, and each tool GUI derives from QmitkIGIToolGui.