NifTK  16.4.1 - 0798f20
CMIC's Translational Medical Imaging Platform
The NifTK Documentation

Copyright (C) 2008-2016 University College London (UCL). All rights reserved.

NifTK Licenses


The NifTK platform was developed as one part of a strategic initiative within CMIC to enhance the translation of medical imaging algorithms from the computer science lab to every-day clinical use.

NifTK was developed with funding from the NIHR and the Comprehensive Biomedical Research Centre at UCL and UCLH grant 168 and TSB grant M1638A. The principal investigator is Sebastien Ourselin and team leader is Matt Clarkson.

The term NifTK refers to the whole collection of Nifty<Something> packages developed by CMIC and listed here.

In addition, there is a specific code repository called NifTK, which can be considered as a parent project, containing several graphical user interfaces (GUIs) such as NiftyView, NiftyMIDAS and NiftyIGI, many command line programs and assorted scripts. Furthermore, this parent project, called NifTK, can download and build all of the smaller Nifty<Something> packages, thereby providing an integrated suite of applications. So this specific page and linked pages of documentation refer specifically to the NifTK code repository.

Further information can be obtained via:


For developers it is important to read:


We are grateful for the continued support of our clinical and research collaborators:

The software development team would like to acknowledge the support and hours of assistance of the open-source community, especially that of: