NifTK  16.4.1 - 0798f20
CMIC's Translational Medical Imaging Platform
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CAffineTransformInteractor3DAffine interaction with objects in 3D windows
 CAffineTransformParametersPropertyMITK data-node property suitable for holding affine transform parameters
 CAffineTransformViewAffine transform UI plugin, provides controls to rotate, translate, scale and shear an mitk::DataNode's index to world geometry, which can be applied to images, surfaces and meshes alike. However, the Resample button only applies to images
 CBaseVideoProcessorAbstract base class that provides methods to read from a capture device, do some processing by calling the virtual Run() method and provides access to a cvVideoWriter object, while managing the memory buffer for each grabbed image
 CBaseViewWorkbenchWindowAdvisorAbstract advisor class to set up application windows on startup
 CBreastSegmentationViewGUI interface to perform a breast segmentation
 CCameraCalibrationTestTest class for Camera Calibration, using data from our Viking 3D Stereo Laparoscope
 CCorrectImageDistorationTakes an input video image (eg. jpg, png), and distortion corrects it, writing to output (.jpg, png)
 CCorrectVideoFileDistorationTakes an input video file (.avi), and distortion corrects it, writing to output (.avi)
 CDataStoragePropertyListenerBase class for objects that Listen to data storage for a specific property such as "visible"
 CDataStorageVisibilityTrackerObserves the visibility changes of data nodes in a 'tracked' renderer and updates their visibility in the 'managed' renderers accordingly
 CDerivativeBridgeAbstractBase class, implementing Bridge [2] to provide an interface for anything that calculates derivatives
 CEuclideanDistancePointMetricComputes the distance between a moving point-set and a fixed point-set. Correspondance is assumed between consecutive elements of the two point sets
 CEvaluateIntrinsicParametersOnNumberOfFrames_hComputes the tracking matrix for each frame of the video
 CHandeyeCalibrate_hComputes the handeye calibration using extrinsic calibration and tracking data, using TSAI's least squares method
 CHandeyeCalibrateFromDirectory_hComputes the handeye calibration using extrinsic calibration and tracking data, using TSAI's least squares method. The class searches the directory for a suitable video file, frame map and tracking data
 CIGIOverlayEditorPreferencePagePreference page for IGIUltrasoundOverlayEditor
 CIGIVLEditorSimple editor that delegates all functionality to a QmitkIGIVLEditor, and most methods are dummy or do-nothing implementations, as the widget is for a very specific purpose and most of the mitk::ILinkedRenderWindowPart are not needed
 CIGIVLEditorPreferencePagePreference page for IGIVLEditor
 CIGIVLEditorPrivatePIMPL pattern implementation of IGIVLEditor
 CIGIVLEditorWidgetPartListenerUsed to handle interaction with the contained overlay editor widget when this IGIOverlayEditor is opened/closed etc
 CImageSimultaneous itk::Image and itk::Array (and hence vnl_vector) class
 CImageStatisticsViewProvides simple image statistics over an image, or a region of interest
 CImageStatisticsViewPreferencesPagePreference page for Image Statistics view, providing checkboxes for "automatic update", "assume binary image", and "require same size image" etc
 CIntensityCTFilterUses intensity information from CT to enhance the vesselness filter response
 CInvalidImageSizeExceptionException class for when an image is deemed to be the wrong size (number of voxels)
 Cis_pointerNote that the is_pointer struct is part of the Cxx11 standard
 Cis_pointer< T * >
 CLocalHistogramDerivativeFilterThis class takes as input 2 input images, and outputs the registration force using Bill Crum's local histogram derivative method explained in "Information Theoretic Similarity Measures In Non-Rigid Registration", Crum et al. IPMI 1993
 CMammogramRegistrationFilterRegisters a pair of 2D mammograms
 CmitkLabelMapReaderReader for label map files
 CMITKSegmentationViewA cut down version of the MITK Segmentation plugin
 CMonoVideoProcessorTemplateMethodBase class providing methods to read images from a capture device, process each one sequentially, and then write to the video writer
 CMorphologicalSegmentorPipelineImplementation of MorphologicalSegmentorPipelineInterface using ITK filters
 CMorphologicalSegmentorPipelineInterfaceAbstract interface to plug ITK pipeline into MITK framework to represent the MIDAS Morphological Segmentor Pipeline
 CMorphologicalSegmentorPipelineParamsThe parameters for the MorphologicalSegmentorPipeline, which closely resemble the GUI controls
 CniftkAsAcquiredOrientationTestClassTest class for niftkImageUtils
 CniftkCompareImagesForEqualityTestClassTest class for niftkCompareImagesForEqualityTest
 CniftkIGIDataSourceGrabbingThreadThread simply to call back onto IGILocalDataSource and call IGILocalDataSource::GrabData()
 CniftkImageOrientationUtilsTestClassTest class for niftkImageOrientationUtilsTest
 CniftkImageUtilsTestClassTest class for niftkImageUtils
 CniftkMIDASSegmentationPerspectivePerspective to arrange widgets as would be suitable for MIDAS applications, where the standard view has up to 5x5 independent windows.Note: We have to load at least one view component, to get an editor created
 CniftkMorphologicalSegmentorActivatorCTK Plugin Activator class for niftkMorphologicalSegmentatorView
 CniftkPaintbrushToolGUIGUI component for the PaintbrushTool, providing the number of pixels in radius for the cursor
 CNiftyRegParametersClass to store and initialise the parameters of the affine Aladin registration. ...
 CNMILocalHistogramDerivativeFilterImplements LocalHistogramDerivativeFilter for Normalized Mutual Information
 CNormalizedCorrelationImageToImageMetricComputes similarity between two images to be registered
 CPickTakes an input video (.264) file and tracking data. The video is split into right and left channels. the user can specifies how many points to pick and frequency of point picked frames. The class reads through the video file and at set intervals provides and interface to select a set number of points in the frame. Frames without matching tracking data are not processed. The picked points are out put as the onscreen coordinates for each frame, and if matching points are present they are triangulated
 CPickTakes an input video (.264) file and tracking data. The video is split into right and left channels. the user can specifies how many points to pick and frequency of point picked frames. The class reads through the video file and at set intervals provides and interface to select a set number of points in the frame. Frames without matching tracking data are not processed. The picked points are out put as the onscreen coordinates for each frame, and if matching points are present they are triangulated
 CPivotCalibrationRegressionTestRegression test class for pivot calibration, such as might be used for a pointer
 CPivotCalibrationViewUser interface to provide controls for Ultrasound CT registration
 CPointerCalibViewUser interface for Ultrasound Pointer Based Calibration as described in Muratore 2001
 CPointerCalibViewPreferencePagePreferences page for the Ultrasound Pointer Calibration View plugin
 CPointRegViewUser interface to provide controls point based registration
 CPointRegViewPreferencePagePreferences page for the Point Based Registration View plugin
 CPowellOptimizerImplements Powell optimization using Brent line search
 CProjectTakes an input video file and tracking data. The video is split into right and left channels. the user can specify a set of points in world coordinates that are projected onto the screen for each frame of the video. Methods are provided to save: -> the left and right video channels. -> the projected points as on screen coordinates for each frame -> the points transformed to the coordinate system of the left hand lens
 CQextPortInfoContaining port information
 CQextSerialEnumeratorList of ports available in the system
 CQextSerialEnumeratorPrivatePrivate implementation of QextSerialEnumerator
 CQLevelWindowHelper class to store a pair of double values in a QVariant
 CQmitkCalibratedModelRenderingPipelineHarness to call vtkCalibratedModelRenderingPipeline
 CQmitkIGINiftyLinkDataTypeData wrapper for messages coming from NiftyLink
 CQmitkImageAndTransformSenderWidgetFront end widget to assist sending data via OpenIGTLink
 CQmitkMatrixWidgetWidget to provide a matrix that can be cleared, and re-loaded from file
 CQmitkNiftyRegViewGUI interface to enable the user to run the NiftyReg registration algorithm. ...
 CQmitkNiftySegViewGUI interface to enable the user to run the NiftySeg segmentation algorithm
 CQmitkPointSetCropperHighly Experimental
 CQmitkRMSErrorWidgetSimple helper widget to allow user to select targets and moving points, and every time you set a transformation matrix, will update the text edit field to display the RMS error between the transformed moving points and the fixed points
 CQmitkStereoImageAndCameraSelectionWidgetUsed to group widgets to select a left and right image and a camera to world transformation
 CQmitkUltrasoundPinCalibrationWidgetVery prototypyish.. don't copy this one
 CQmitkVideoTestClientHarness to grab images via OpenCV and send via NiftyLinkTcpClient
 CRayCastInterpolateImageFunctionProjective interpolation of an image at specified positions
 CRegAladinParametersClass to store and initialise the parameters of the affine Aladin registration. ...
 CRegF3dParametersClass to store and initialise the parameters of the affine Aladin registration. ...
 CResampleImageFilterResample an image via a coordinate transform
 CRMSErrorViewUser interface to simply setup the QmitkRMSErrorWidget
 CSnapshotViewSimple user interface to provide screenshots of the current editor window
 CStereoCameraCalibrationSelectionWidgetUsed to group widgets to specify pathnames for left/right intrinsics and left-to-right transformation for a stereo pair
 CStereoDistortionCorrectionVideoProcessorDerived from StereoVideoProcessorTemplateMethod to correct distortion in interleaved (flicker) stereo stream
 CStereoOneTimePointVideoProcessorTemplateMethodBase class providing stereo processing for a single time point
 CStereoTwoTimePointVideoProcessorTemplateMethodBase class providing stereo processing for two time points
 CStereoVideoProcessorTemplateMethodBase class providing methods to read images from a capture device, that provides flicker stereo (interleaved left, then right, then left, then right), process pairs sequentially, and then write to the video writer
 CSurfaceExtractorPreferencePagePreferences page for this plugin, to set defaults for the Surface Extractor view
 CSurfaceExtractorViewProvides a simple GUI to extract the surface of 3D volumes
 CSurfaceReconViewUser interface to provide a reconstructed surface from video images
 CSurfaceReconViewPreferencePagePreferences page for the Surface Reconstruction View plugin
 CSurfaceRegViewUser interface to provide controls for surface based registration
 CSurfaceRegViewPreferencePagePreferences page for the Surface Based Registration View plugin
 CToolPressStateMachineStateMachine to check for key press events that MIDAS is interested in, and pass them onto any registered ToolKeyPressResponder
 CTrackedImageViewCoordinates an image moving via a tracking transform
 CTrackedImageViewPreferencePagePreferences page for the Tracked Image View plugin
 CTrackedPointerViewUser interface to provide controls for a tracked pointer
 CTrackedPointerViewPreferencePagePreferences page for the Tracked Pointer View plugin
 CTrackerControlsWidgetImplements some basic functionality for stopping/starting a generic tracker
 CUCLRegularStepGradientDescentBaseOptimizerImplement a Regular Step Size Gradient Descent optimizer
 CUltrasoundPinCalibrationRegressionTestRegression test class for ultrasound pin calibration
 CVideoTakes an input video file and tracking data. The video is split into right and left channels. For each frame pair, features a matched and triangulated
 CVLRendererViewProvides a simple GUI to visualize stuff
 CvtkCalibratedModelRenderingPipelineUsed to quickly make test harnesses demos and research prototypes
 CvtkExtraCommandsPretty dumb class (TODO, maybe an alternative), to hold additional enums for creating command callbacks
 CvtkOpenGLMatrixDrivenCameraSubclass of vtkCamera so we can just set the relevant intrinsic matrix, the size of the image used in camera calibration, and the size of the actual window to get a calibrated camera view of the rendered scene. So, compared with vtkOpenGLCamera, this class ignores all the stuff to do with orthographic or perspective projection, and just uses the matrix and image/window size
 CvtkSideAnnotationSubclass of vtkCornerAnnotation to display annotations on the four sides of a render window, instead of its corners. Additionally, the class supports setting different colours for each annotations, individually
 CXnatBrowserViewProvides a simple GUI for browsing XNAT databases
 CXnatDownloadManagerPrivateNote: This is needed for miniz
 CXnatPluginPreferencePagePreferences page for this plugin