NifTK  16.4.1 - 0798f20
CMIC's Translational Medical Imaging Platform
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itk Namespace Reference




class  AbsoluteManhattanDistancePointMetric
 Computes the sum of the absolute Manhattan Distance (L1-norm) between two point sets. More...
class  AddOneLayerOfGreyMatterFilter
 Assumes input is GM, WM, CSF labelled image, and adds 1 layer of GM to the WM, which means that the output will have the same size WM, only 1 voxel wide layer of GM, and the rest is then all CSF. More...
class  AddUpdateToTimeVaryingVelocityFieldFilter
 Adds a vector displacement field to a time varying velocity field. More...
class  AffineTransform2D3D
class  AnalyzeImageIO3160
 Class that defines how to read Analyze file format. Analyze IMAGE FILE FORMAT - As much information as I can determine from the Medical image formats web site, and the Analyze75.pdf file provided from the Mayo clinic. A special note of thanks to Dennis P. Hanson ( for his generous contributions in getting this information correct. More...
class  BackwardImageProjector2Dto3D
 Class to project a 3D image into 2D. More...
class  BaseCTEFilter
 Base class for methods many CTE filters will need. More...
class  BaseCTESegmentationFilter
 Base class for classes that manipulate the segmented volume before it gets to the Cortical Thickness Estimation. More...
class  BaseCTEStreamlinesFilter
 Base class for filters that calculate thicknesses based on Laplacian streamlines. More...
class  BasicFiniteDifferenceBaseClassImageFilter
 Abstract base class to provide first, second, mixed derivatives, which can be subclassed for things like calculating Mean / Gaussian curvature. More...
class  BasicImageFeaturesImageFilter
 2D image filter class to compute basic image features (BIFs) on an image. More...
class  BinariseUsingPaddingImageFilter
 Binarise the image using using padding value. More...
class  BinariseVesselResponseFilter
 Binarises the vesselness response and keeps the largest objects. More...
class  BinaryIntersectWithPaddingImageFilter
 Calculate the intersection of two images using padding value. More...
class  BinaryShapeBasedSuperSamplingFilter
 Filter to super-sample a mask by a certain factor and apply the appropriate shape based interpolation. More...
class  BinaryThresholdSurfaceVoxelImageFunction
 Returns true is the value of an image lies within a range of thresholds This ImageFunction returns true (or false) if the pixel value lies within (outside) a lower and upper threshold value. The threshold range can be set with the ThresholdBelow, ThresholdBetween or ThresholdAbove methods. The input image is set via method SetInputImage(). More...
class  BinaryUnionWithPaddingImageFilter
 Calculate the union of two images using padding value. More...
class  BlockMatchingMethod
 Initial implementation of Seb Ourselin's block matching algorithm. More...
class  BoundaryShiftIntegralCalculator
 Calculate the boundary shift integral. More...
class  BoundaryValueRescaleIntensityImageFilter
 Applies a linear transformation to the intensity levels of the input Image, but takes into an upper and lower threshold, so we can reassign stuff thats above or below (respectively) these thresholds to a set OutputBoundaryValue. More...
class  BrainMaskFromCTFilter
 Filter to extract the brain from a CT image. Optionally, the filter can receive a T1 image, co-registered with the CT, to improve the brain extraction. More...
class  BreastMaskSegmentationFromMRI
 Base class for breast mask MRI segmentation methods. More...
class  BreastMaskSegmForBreastDensity
 Class to segment the breast mask from MRI for modelling purposes. More...
class  BreastMaskSegmForModelling
 Class to segment the breast mask from MRI for modelling purposes. More...
class  BSplineBendingEnergyConstraint
 Calculated the bending energy, to be used as regulariser in FFD. More...
class  BSplineCurveFitMetric
 Class to compute the goodness of fit of a BSpline to a set of data values. More...
class  BSplineOperator
 A NeighborhoodOperator whose coefficients are a one dimensional, discrete BSpline kernel. More...
class  BSplineSmoothVectorFieldFilter
 Class that takes a vector field, and applies BSpline smoothing. More...
class  CheckForThreeLevelsFilter
 Simply checks for 3 levels and passes data straight through. More...
class  CommandIterationUpdateSuperEllipseFit
class  ConjugateGradientMaxIterOptimizer
 Wrap of the vnl_conjugate_gradient. More...
class  Constraint
 Abstract Base class for constraints, which are objects that return a single double value, such as might be used for a regulariser in a deformable registration algorithm. In practice you create any subclass of this. Then the base similarity measure itkImageToImageMetricWithConstraint will evaluate the cost function, for example, the mutual information of your two images is X, then, if the itkImageToImageMetricWithConstraint has a pointer to a constraint, it will call EvaluateConstraint, which will return a value Y, then itkImageToImageMetricWithConstraint will combine those two numbers together. So, in principal, the itkImageToImageMetricWithConstraint (and derived subclasses) need not even know what or how a constraint works, only that it provides a number. More...
class  CorrectGMUsingNeighbourhoodFilter
 Implements section 2.3 in Acosta et al. doi:10.1016/ More...
class  CorrectGMUsingPVMapFilter
 Implements section 2.3.1 Correction Of Segmentation in Bourgeat MICCAI 2008. More...
class  CreateEulerAffineTransformMatrix
 Class to apply the affine transformation matrix to a 3D image. More...
class  CreateEulerAffineTransformMatrixBaseClass
 The base class for 3D-3D affine transformation matrix. More...
class  CreateForwardBackwardProjectionMatrix
 Class to project a 3D image into 2D. More...
class  CRImageToImageMetric
 Implements Correlation Ratio (Fixed | Moving), without a histogram. More...
class  CropTargetImageWhereSourceImageNonZeroImageFilter
 Crops the target (second input) where the source image (first input) is non zero. More...
class  CrossCorrelationDerivativeForceFilter
 This class takes as input 2 input images, and outputs the registration force based on the derivative of cross correlation. More...
class  CurveFitRegistrationMethod
class  DasGradientFilter
 This class calculates the gradient as per equation 3 in Das et. al. Neuroimage 45 (2009) 867-879. More...
class  DasTransformImageFilter
 Transform an image using a vector field, where each vector represents the absolute sampling position, not a vector displacement. More...
struct  data_history
class  DBCImageFilter
class  DeformableTransform
 Base class for deformable transforms. More...
class  DisplacementFieldJacobianFilter
 This class calculates the Jacobian matrix of a deformation field. More...
class  DisplacementFieldJacobianVectorFilter
 This class calculates the Jacobian matrix of a deformation field and store in a row-major vector. More...
class  DivideOrZeroImageFilter
 Implements an operator for pixel-wise division of two images, and where divisor is zero, outputs zero. More...
class  DoubleWindowBoundaryShiftIntegralCalculator
 Calculate the boundary shift integral using double intensity window. More...
class  DRCAnalyzeImageIO
 Subclass of AnalyzeImageIO3160, to read Dementia Research Centre (DRC) Analyze format, which is incorrectly flipped. If you call this->SetDRCMode(true) (also default), it will do DRC specific functionality, and if you call SetDRCMode(false), it will revert to standard ITK functionality. More...
struct  dsr
class  DynamicContrastEnhancementAnalysisImageFilter
 Image filter to process a set of contrast enhancement images. More...
class  EulerAffineTransform
 Euler Affine transform. More...
class  EulerAffineTransformMatrixAndItsVariations
 Class to apply the affine transformation matrix to a 3D image. More...
class  ExcludeImageFilter
 Performs the connection breaker algorithm as in "Interactive Algorithms for the segmentation and quantification of 3-D MRI scans" Freeborough et. al. CMPB 53 (1997) 15-25. More...
class  ExtendedBrainMaskWithSmoothDropOffCompositeFilter
 Takes a mask, dilates outwards, blurs with a gaussian, then substitutes in the dilated mask, so you end up with a bigger mask than you started, with gaussian blurred edges (ie. smooth drop off to zero). More...
class  FFDConjugateGradientDescentOptimizer
 Class to perform FFD specific optimization using conjugate gradient descent. More...
class  FFDDerivativeBridge
 FFDDerivative bridge to enable plugging a whole pipeline into a similarity measure to measure the derivative of a cost function. More...
class  FFDGradientDescentOptimizer
 Class to perform FFD specific optimization. More...
class  FFDMultiResolutionMethod
 Extends MultiResolutionDeformableImageRegistrationMethod to sort out interpolating the BSpline grid in between resolution levels. More...
class  FFDSteepestGradientDescentOptimizer
 Class to perform FFD specific optimization using steepest gradient descent. More...
class  FiniteDifferenceGradientSimilarityMeasure
 AbstractBase class, just to implement the finite difference gradient method. More...
class  FiniteDifferenceVoxel
 Simple data type to hold a voxel value, and indexes that can be used to refer to other voxels. More...
class  FluidDeformableTransform
 Deformable transform using a fluid representation. More...
class  FluidMultiResolutionMethod
 Extends MultiResolutionDeformableImageRegistrationMethod to sort out interpolating the deformation fluid in between resolution levels. More...
class  FluidVelocityToDeformationFilter
 This class takes two inputs, the first is the current deformation vector field and the second is the fluid velocity vector field. The output is a vector field of deformation according to Christensens paper. More...
class  ForegroundFromBackgroundImageThresholdCalculator
 Computes the threshold required to separate an object or patient in the foreground of an image from a dark background. More...
class  ForwardAndBackProjectionDifferenceFilter
 Class to compute the difference between a reconstruction estimate and the target set of 2D projection images. More...
class  ForwardAndBackwardProjectionMatrix
 Class to apply the affine transformation matrix to a 3D image. More...
class  ForwardDifferenceDisplacementFieldJacobianDeterminantFilter
class  ForwardImageProjector3Dto2D
 Class to project a 3D image into 2D. More...
class  ForwardProjectionWithAffineTransformDifferenceFilter
 Class to compute the difference between a reconstruction estimate and the target set of 2D projection images. More...
class  FourthOrderRungeKuttaVelocityFieldIntegrationFilter
 This filter integrates a time varying velocity field, using fourth order Runge-Kutta. This filter is basically a tidied up version of that in ANTS: However, ANTS has the four timepoints back to front. I don't know if this is intentional. More...
class  GaussianCurvatureImageFilter
 Class to calculate Gaussian curvature of a scalar image. More...
class  GaussianSmoothVectorFieldFilter
 Class that takes a vector field, and applies Gaussian smoothing. More...
class  GE5000_TomosynthesisGeometry
 Class to calculate the geometry of a GE tomosynthesis machine. More...
class  GE6000_TomosynthesisGeometry
 Class to calculate the geometry of a GE tomosynthesis machine. More...
class  GroupwiseRegistrationMethod
 A class to perform a generic group-wise registration. More...
struct  header_key
class  HighResLaplacianSolverImageFilter
 Solves Laplace equation over the cortical volume, but can be run at very high resolution, by setting the VoxelMultiplicationFactor to determine an effective voxel size. More...
class  HighResRelaxStreamlinesFilter
 Prototype high res version of RelaxStreamlines Filter. More...
class  HistogramSimilarityMeasure
 Computes similarity between two objects to be registered using Histogram. More...
struct  image_dimension
class  ImageAndArray
class  ImageMatrixFormReconstructionMethod
 Base class for Image Reconstruction Methods. More...
class  ImageMatrixFormReconstructionMetric
 Class to compute the difference between a reconstruction estimate and the target set of 2D projection images. More...
class  ImageMatrixFormReconTwoDataSetsWithoutRegMethod
 Base class for Image Reconstruction Methods. More...
class  ImageMatrixFormReconTwoDataSetsWithoutRegMetric
 Class to compute the difference between a reconstruction estimate and the target set of 2D projection images. More...
class  ImageProjectionBaseClass2D3D
 The base class for 2D-3D forward and back projection. More...
class  ImageProjector2D3D
 Class to project a 3D image into 2D. More...
class  ImageReconstructionMethod
 Base class for Image Reconstruction Methods. More...
class  ImageReconstructionMetric
 Class to compute the difference between a reconstruction estimate and the target set of 2D projection images. More...
class  ImageReconstructionOptimizer
 Base class for image reconstruction optimization methods. More...
class  ImageRegistrationFactory
 Parameterised Factory Pattern [2] for creating registration objects. More...
class  ImageRegistrationFilter
 Used to plug registration methods into a filter based pipeline. More...
class  ImageToImageMetricWithConstraint
 Abstract base class to provide functionality for adding arbitrary constraints, and also arbitrary ways of evaluating a derivative, both via Template Method pattern [2]. More...
class  ImageToVTKImageFilter
 Converts an ITK image into a VTK image and plugs a itk data pipeline to a VTK datapipeline. More...
class  InjectSourceImageGreaterThanZeroIntoTargetImageFilter
 If first input is != 0, then the first input is copied to output, otherwise, the second input pixel is copied to output. More...
struct  INRFileWrapper
class  INRImageIO
 ITK IO class to load INRIA image format. More...
class  IntegrateStreamlinesFilter
 Integrates streamlines using Eulers method (Lagrangian framework). More...
class  IntensityFilter
class  IntensityNormalisationCalculator
 Calculates the means to normalise the intensities of two scans. Calculate the means used to normalise the intensities of two scans acquired in different dates, using the following steps: More...
class  InterpolateVectorFieldFilter
 This class takes a vector field as input 1, and a vector field as input 2, and the output is a vector field, of the same dimensions as input 2, where the vector at each location is interpolated from input 1. More...
class  InvariantPointCalibrationCostFunction
 Base class for Ultrasound Pin/Cross-Wire calibration and Video Hand-Eye calibration cost functions. More...
class  InvertIntensityBetweenMaxAndMinImageFilter
 Invert intensity of an image. More...
class  InvNormalizedCorrelationImageToImageMetric
class  InvRayCastInterpolateImageFunction
class  InvResampleImageFilter
class  IsocentricConeBeamRotationGeometry
 Class to calculate the geometry of an isocentric cone beam projection CT or tomosynthesis machine. More...
class  IterationUpdateCommand
 Simply prints out the registration params, so we can track registration. More...
class  IterativeReconstructionAndRegistrationMethod
 Base class for iterative image reconstruction and registration methods. More...
class  JacobianGradientSimilarityMeasure
 AbstractBase class, just to implement a gradient method based on Jacobian. More...
class  JEImageToImageMetric
 Implements Joint Entropy of a histogram for a similarity measure. More...
class  JonesThicknessFilter
 Composite filter to implement Jones et. al. Human Brain Mapping 2005 11:12-32(2000). More...
class  JorgesInitializationRelaxStreamlinesFilter
 Implementation of Jorges method to initialize GM boundaries prior to cortical thickness calculations. More...
class  KnownCorEuclideanDistancePointMetric
class  LagrangianInitializedRelaxStreamlinesFilter
 Implements section 2.3.2 in Bourgeat et. al. ISBI 2008. More...
class  LaplacianSolverImageFilter
 Solves Laplace equation over the cortical volume. More...
class  LargestConnectedComponentFilter
 Does connected component analysis and outputs a binary volume of the largest connected component. More...
class  LeastTrimmedSquaresPointMetric
 Like sum of squared difference between point sets, except you throw away a certain percentage of outliers. More...
class  LewisGriffinRecursiveGaussianImageFilter
 Lewis Griffin's implementation of a recursive Gaussian filter which does not produce the oscillations that itk::RecursiveSeparableImageFilter does. More...
class  LightLineResponseImageFilter
 2D image filter class to compute the light line response of an image a specific scale. More...
class  LinearlyInterpolatedDerivativeFilter
 This class takes as input 2 input images, the Fixed and Moving image, as you would have in a registration pipeline, and outputs the derivative of the moving image resampled by a transformation. More...
class  LocalHistogramDerivativeForceFilter
class  LocalSimilarityMeasureGradientDescentOptimizer
 Implement a gradient descent optimization suitable for FFD and Fluid deformation. More...
class  LogNonZeroIntensitiesImageFilter
 Computes the vcl_log(x) pixel-wise of non-zero intensities leaving zero-valued pixels unchanged. More...
class  LSDerivativesL0
class  LSDerivativesL1
class  LSDerivativesL2
struct  LSGradientsL0
struct  LSGradientsL1
struct  LSGradientsL2
class  MammogramAnalysis
class  MammogramFatEstimationFitMetric
 An abstract metric to compute the fit of a model of mammographic fat. More...
class  MammogramFatEstimationFitMetricForArray
 A metric to compute the similarity between an image and breast fat model. More...
class  MammogramFatEstimationFitMetricForImage
 A metric to compute the similarity between an image and breast fat model. More...
class  MammogramFatSubtractionImageFilter
 2D image filter class to subtract the fat signal from a mammogram. More...
class  MammogramLeftOrRightSideCalculator
 Computes whether a mammogram is of the left or right breast from the center of mass. More...
class  MammogramMaskSegmentationImageFilter
 2D image filter class to segment the breast area from a mammogram. More...
class  MammogramMLOorCCViewCalculator
 Computes whether a mammogram corresponds to a CC or an MLO view. More...
class  MammogramPectoralisFitMetric
 A metric to compute the similarity between an image and a pectoral shape model. More...
class  MammogramPectoralisSegmentationImageFilter
 2D image filter class to segment the pectoral muscle from a mammogram. More...
class  MammogramRegistrationFilter
class  MammographicTumourDistribution
class  MaskedImageRegistrationMethod
 Base class for NifTK Image Registration Methods employing a binary mask. More...
class  MatrixBasedSimulReconRegnMethod
 Base class for Image Reconstruction Methods. More...
class  MatrixBasedSimulReconRegnMetric
 Class to compute the difference between a reconstruction estimate and the target set of 2D projection images. More...
class  MatrixLinearCombinationFunctions
class  MaximumCurvatureImageFilter
 Calculates maximum curvature, assuming that the two inputs represent Gaussian Curvature on input 0, and Mean Curvature on input 1. More...
class  MeanCurvatureImageFilter
 Class to calculate mean curvature of a scalar image. More...
class  MeanVoxelwiseIntensityOfMultipleImages
 Image filter class to calculate the mean image on a voxel by voxel basis of multiple input images. More...
class  MetricDerivativeBridge
class  MIDASBaseConditionalMorphologyFilter
 Base class for MIDASConditionalErosionFilter and MIDASConditionalDilationFilter. More...
class  MIDASConditionalDilationFilter
 Performs the conditional dilation, described in step 4 of "Interactive Algorithms for the segmentation and quantification of 3-D MRI scans" Freeborough et. al. CMPB 53 (1997) 15-25. More...
class  MIDASConditionalErosionFilter
 Performs the conditional erosion, described in step 3 of "Interactive Algorithms for the segmentation and quantification of 3-D MRI scans" Freeborough et. al. CMPB 53 (1997) 15-25. More...
class  MIDASDownSamplingFilter
 Performs the down sampling described in step 5 of "Interactive Algorithms for the segmentation and quantification of 3-D MRI scans" Freeborough et. al. CMPB 53 (1997) 15-25. More...
class  MIDASImageUpdateClearRegionProcessor
 Class to support undo/redo of a clear operation (set value to zero), within a given region. More...
class  MIDASImageUpdateCopyRegionProcessor
 Class to support undo/redo of a copy operation, within a given region. More...
class  MIDASImageUpdatePasteRegionProcessor
 Class to support undo/redo of a paste operation, within a given region, where we take non-zero pixels in the source image, and write them to the destination image. More...
class  MIDASImageUpdatePixelWiseSingleValueProcessor
 Class to support undo/redo of an operation that takes a list of pixels, and sets them all to a given value. More...
class  MIDASImageUpdateProcessor
 Class that takes a pointer to a destination image, and applies changes directly to it and enablng undo/redo. In practice, this may result in large memory overhead, so, if we are using this for undo/redo we should consider using a small undo/redo stack or small regions. More...
class  MIDASImageUpdateRegionProcessor
 Provides methods to do Undo/Redo within a specific Region. More...
class  MIDASMaskByRegionImageFilter
 Class, developed for MIDAS migration, that outputs an image the same size as the input, but you can specify a region, and that region is kept, and anything outside that region, set to a single background value. Used for axial cut-off. More...
class  MIDASMeanIntensityWithinARegionFilter
 calculate the mean intensity within a binary mask (region). More...
class  MIDASMorphologicalSegmentorLargestConnectedComponentImageFilter
 Largest connected component filter. More...
class  MIDASRegionGrowingImageFilter
 Implements region growing limited by contours. More...
class  MIDASRegionOfInterestCalculator
 Class to calculate regions within an image according to MIDAS specifications, where for example we need to know (for Wipe+, Wipe- and PropUp and PropDown) that "plus" or "up" means anterior, right or superior and "minus" or "down" means posterior, left or inferior. More...
class  MIDASRetainMarksNoThresholdingProcessor
 Class to support the MIDAS Retain marks operation, specifically when thresholding is off, which means it copies from a given slice in the source image, to a given slice in the destination image. More...
class  MIDASRethresholdingFilter
 Performs the re-thresholding, described in step 5 of "Interactive Algorithms for the segmentation and quantification of 3-D MRI scans" Freeborough et. al. CMPB 53 (1997) 15-25. More...
class  MIDASUpSamplingFilter
 Performs the up sampling described in step 5 of "Interactive Algorithms for the segmentation and quantification of 3-D MRI scans" Freeborough et. al. CMPB 53 (1997) 15-25. More...
class  MIImageToImageMetric
 Implements Mutual Information of a histogram for a similarity measure. More...
class  MinimumCurvatureImageFilter
 Calculates minimum curvature, assuming that the two inputs represent Gaussian Curvature on input 0, and Mean Curvature on input 1. More...
class  MinimumImageFunction
 Calculate the minimum value in the neighborhood of a pixel. More...
class  MinimumInterpolateImageFunction
 Minimum interpolation of an image at specified positions. More...
class  MSDImageToImageMetric
 Implements Mean of Squared Difference similarity measure. More...
class  MultipleDilateImageFilter
class  MultipleErodeImageFilter
class  MultiResolutionBlockMatchingMethod
 Extends MultiResolutionImageRegistrationWrapper to provide setting up block matching method at each resolution level, which currently just means setting the percentage of points to keep. More...
class  MultiResolutionDeformableImageRegistrationMethod
 Extends MultiResolutionImageRegistrationWrapper to provide various common methods for FFD and Fluid, such as saving Jacobian images. More...
class  MultiResolutionImageRegistrationWrapper
 UCL Base class for multi-resolution image registration methods. More...
class  MultiScaleVesselnessFilter
 Gives tha maximum filter response using Sato's filter (Sato et al, MedIA 1998) per voxel, given a range of scales. More...
class  MultiStageImageRegistrationMethod
 Base Class specifically for doing multiple stage registrations. More...
class  NCCImageToImageMetric
 Implements Normalized Cross Correlation similarity measure. More...
class  NegateImageFilter
 Computes the -1.0 * x pixel-wise. More...
class  NiftiImageIO3201
 Class that defines how to read Nifti file format. Nifti IMAGE FILE FORMAT - As much information as I can determine from More...
class  NifTKImageIOFactory
 Creates instances of NifTK specific image IO objects. More...
class  NLMFilter
class  NMIImageToImageMetric
 Implements Normalised Mutual Information of a histogram for a similarity measure. More...
class  NMILocalHistogramDerivativeForceFilter
class  NondirectionalDerivativeOperator
 Construct a multi-directional n-th derivative operator. More...
class  NormaliseVectorFilter
 This class takes a vector field and normalises each vector to unit length. More...
class  OrderedTraversalStreamlinesFilter
 Calculates length between two boundaries, solving PDE by ordered traversal. More...
class  OrthogonalContourExtractor2DImageFilter
 Computes a list of PolyLineParametricPath objects from the contours in a 2D image. More...
class  ParzenWindowNMIDerivativeForceGenerator
 This class takes as input 2 input images, and outputs the registration force using Marc's Parzen window approach. (reference to follow). More...
class  Patch
class  PCADeformationModelTransform
 PCA deformation model transformation. More...
class  PerspectiveProjectionTransform
 PerspectiveProjectionTransform of a vector space (e.g. space coordinates) More...
class  PIUImageToImageMetric
 Implements Roger Woods PIU image similarity measure. More...
class  PointOnBoundary
class  PointSetToPointSetSingleValuedMetric
 Computes similarity between two point sets, but sums it up to a single value. More...
class  ProjectionGeometry
 Abstract class to calculate the geometry of a CT or tomo machine. More...
class  Ray
 Class to project a ray through a 3D volume. More...
class  ReconstructionAndRegistrationUpdateCommand
 Override this class to redefine DoExecute(). More...
class  ReconstructionUpdateCommand
 Override this class to redefine DoExecute(). More...
class  RegionalMammographicDensity
class  RegionGrowSurfacePoints
 Label pixels that are connected to a seed and lie within a range of values. More...
class  RegistrationBasedCorticalThicknessFilter
class  RegistrationBasedCTEFilter
class  RegistrationForceFilter
 This class takes as input 2 input images, and outputs the registration force. More...
class  RelaxStreamlinesFilter
 Calculates length between two boundaries, solving PDE by iterative relaxation. More...
class  ResampleImage
 Up/Down samples an image in the axial direction to reduce anistoropy. More...
class  RescaleImageUsingHistogramPercentilesFilter
 Filter to rescale an image, with the input limits being specified as percentiles of the input image histogram. More...
class  RigidPCADeformationModelTransform
 Rigid-body + PCA deformation model transformation. More...
class  RigidPlusScaleImageRegistrationMethod
 Class specifically for doing Rigid plus Scale registration. More...
class  RIUImageToImageMetric
 Implements Roger Woods Ratio Image Uniformity, but beware, its non-symetrical, as the base class doesn't compute it both ways round. So, we are only using a fixedMask, not a movingMask. More...
class  RoundImageFilter
class  SADImageToImageMetric
 Implements Sums of Absolute Differences similarity measure. More...
class  SampleImageFilter
 Filter to sub- or super-sample an image by a certain factor and apply the appropriate blurring (equivalent to voxel averaging for integer subsampling factors) when subsampling. More...
class  ScalarImageToNormalizedGradientVectorImageFilter
 This class takes scalar image as input, and outputs a vector field of image gradient. More...
class  ScaleVectorFieldFilter
 This class takes two inputs, the first is a vector field, such as the output from a registration force generator. The second is another vector field, such as the gradient of an image. The images must have the same size, and same vector dimensionality (enforced via template parameters). The output is the first field, scaled by the second. If ScaleByComponents is true, the vectors are simply multiplied componentwise. If ScaleByComponents is false, the vectors are simply multiplied by the individual magnitude of the second vector field. More...
class  SetBoundaryVoxelsToValueFilter
 Image filter class to set all voxels which are on the boundary of the image to a user specified value (or zero by default). More...
class  SetGreyBoundaryToWhiteOrCSFFilter
 Assumes input is GM, WM, CSF labelled image, where the GM is exaclty 1 voxel wide, we then set this GM voxel to WM or CSF depending on thickness, and the immediate neighbourhood. More...
class  SetOutputVectorToCurrentPositionFilter
 This class takes a vector image as input, and outputs a vector image, where the vector data value at each voxel is equal to the millimetre or voxel position of that voxel. More...
class  ShapeBasedAveragingImageFilter
 Combines several segmentations/shapes into an average shape according to the Shaped-Based Averaging, Rohlfing and Maurer, TMI, Jan 2007. More...
class  SiemensMammomat_TomosynthesisGeometry
 Class to calculate the geometry of a GE tomosynthesis machine. More...
class  SimilarityMeasure
 Abstract base class, implementing TemplateMethod [2] for similarity measures. More...
class  SimpleKMeansClusteringImageFilter
class  SimulateMammogramFromMRI
 Class to project a 3D image into 2D. More...
class  SimultaneousReconAndRegnUpdateCommand
 Override this class to redefine DoExecute(). More...
class  SimultaneousReconstructionAndRegistrationMethod
 Base class for Image Reconstruction Methods. More...
class  SimultaneousReconstructionRegistrationMetric
 Class to compute the difference between a reconstruction estimate and the target set of 2D projection images. More...
class  SimultaneousUnconstrainedMatrixReconRegnMethod
 Base class for Image Reconstruction Methods. More...
class  SimultaneousUnconstrainedMatrixReconRegnMetric
 Class to compute the difference between a reconstruction estimate and the target set of 2D projection images. More...
class  SingleDerivativeTermInfo
 Information about a single derivative term (derivative order and the multiplicative term). More...
class  SingleResolutionImageRegistrationBuilder
 Base class for NifTK Image Registration Builders. More...
class  SingleResolutionImageRegistrationMethod
 Base class for NifTK Image Registration Methods. More...
class  SliceBySliceImageFilter
 Apply a filter or a pipeline slice by slice on an image. More...
class  SmoothVectorFieldFilter
 Abstract base class that takes a vector field as input and smoothes it. More...
class  SquaredFunctionImageToImageMetric
 Dummy similarity measure, to enable testing of optimizers. More...
class  SSDImageToImageMetric
 Implements Sums of Squared Difference similarity measure. More...
class  SSDRegistrationForceFilter
 This class takes as input 2 input images, and outputs the registration force. More...
class  SubsampleImageFilter
 Filter to subsample an image by a certain factor and apply the appropriate blurring (equivalent to voxel averaging for integer subsampling factors). More...
class  Subtract2DImageFromVolumeSliceFilter
 Implements an operator for pixel-wise subtraction of a slice of a 3D volume from a 2D image. More...
class  SumLogJacobianDeterminantConstraint
 Calculated the sum of the log of the jacobian determinant of a BSpline transform, to be used as regulariser in FFD. More...
class  SumOfSquaredDifferencePointMetric
 Computes sum of the squared distance between two point sets. More...
class  SuperEllipseFitMetric
class  SwitchableAffineTransform
 Matrix transformations, with switchable Degrees Of Freedom. More...
class  ThinPlateSplineScatteredDataPointSetToImageFilter
 Image filter which provides a thin plate spline mask approximation to a set of landmarks. More...
class  ThresholdImageWithRespectToPlane
 Image filter class to set all voxels on one side of plane to a uer specified value (or zero by default). More...
class  Transform2D3D
 Transform2D3D of a vector space (e.g. space coordinates) More...
class  TranslateRotateScaleImageRegistrationMethod
 Class specifically for doing Translate, Rotate, Scale registration. More...
class  TranslationPCADeformationModelTransform
 Translation + PCA deformation model transformation. More...
class  TranslationThenRotationImageRegistrationMethod
 Class specifically for doing registration that alternately solves the translation components, then the rotation components. More...
class  TwinThresholdBoundaryFilter
class  UCLBaseTransform
 Our base transform class. Cant think of a better name. More...
class  UCLBSplineTransform
 Deformable transform using a BSpline representation. More...
class  UCLLabelVotingImageFilter
class  UCLMultiResolutionPyramidImageFilter
 Framework for creating images in a multi-resolution pyramid. More...
class  UCLN4BiasFieldCorrectionFilter
 N4 bias field correction algorithm contributed to ITK by Nicholas J. Tustison and James C. Gee.
program runs the ITK N4BiasFieldCorrectionImageFilter on an image to correct nonuniformity commonly associated with MR images. The algorithm assumes a simple parametric model (Gaussian) for the bias field and does not require tissue class segmentation. References: J.G. Sled, A.P. Zijdenbos and A.C. Evans. "A Nonparametric Method for Automatic Correction of Intensity Nonuniformity in Data" IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Vol 17, No 1. Feb. More...
class  UCLPowellOptimizer
class  UCLRecursiveMultiResolutionPyramidImageFilter
 Creates a multi-resolution pyramid using a recursive implementation. More...
class  UCLRegularStepGradientDescentOptimizer
class  UCLRegularStepOptimizer
 Implement a Regular Step Size optimizer. More...
class  UCLSimplexOptimizer
 Subclass itkAmoebaOptimizer to fix bug in SetCostFunction. More...
struct  uINRFileWrapper
class  UltrasoundPinCalibrationCostFunction
 Minimises the RMS error around a stationary invariant point. More...
class  VectorPhiPlusDeltaTTimesVFilter
 This class basically takes two vector images as input (Phi and V) and calculates Phi + (dt * V). More...
class  VectorVPlusLambdaUImageFilter
 This class takes two vector images as input (V and U), and calculates V + (lambda * U). More...
class  VelocityFieldMultiResolutionMethod
 Extends MultiResolutionDeformableImageRegistrationMethod to sort out interpolating the deformation fluid in between resolution levels. More...
class  VideoHandEyeCalibrationCostFunction
 Minimises the RMS error around a stationary invariant point. More...
class  VnlIterationUpdateCommand
 Simply prints out the registration params, so we can track registration. More...


typedef vnl_matrix< double > MatrixType
typedef vnl_vector< double > VectorType
typedef struct itk::LSGradientsL0 LSGradientsL0
typedef struct itk::LSGradientsL1 LSGradientsL1
typedef struct itk::LSGradientsL2 LSGradientsL2


enum  InterpolationTypeEnum {
enum  MetricTypeEnum {
enum  TransformTypeEnum {
enum  OptimizerTypeEnum {
enum  SingleResRegistrationMethodTypeEnum {
enum  MultiResRegistrationMethodTypeEnum { UNKNOWN_MULTI, MULTI_RES_NORMAL }
enum  DataTypeKeyValues {
enum  DataTypeIndex {


template<class TInputImage1 , class TInputImage2 >
ITK_EXPORT bool IsSameRegionSize (typename TInputImage1::Pointer image1, typename TInputImage2::Pointer image2)
template<class TInputImage1 , class TInputImage2 >
ITK_EXPORT bool IsSameVoxelSize (typename TInputImage1::Pointer image1, typename TInputImage2::Pointer image2)
void SetTag (itk::MetaDataDictionary &dictionary, std::string tagID, std::string newTagValue)
void ModifyTag (itk::MetaDataDictionary &dictionary, std::string tagID, std::string newTagValue)
template<typename TImage >
void CreatePositiveMammogram (typename TImage::Pointer &image, itk::MetaDataDictionary &dictionary, bool flgInvert=false)
 Create a positive version of a DICOM mammogram. More...
template<typename TImage >
bool ConvertMammogramFromRawToPresentation (typename TImage::Pointer &image, itk::MetaDataDictionary &dictionary)
 Convert a raw DICOM mammogram to a presentation version by log inverting it. More...
int SuperEllipseFit (SuperEllipseFitMetric::DataType &data, bool useGradient=true, double fTolerance=1e-2, double gTolerance=1e-2, double xTolerance=1e-5, double epsilonFunction=1e-9, int maxIterations=200)
std::string GetExceptionString (itk::ExceptionObject &err)
void InitialiseImageIO (std::string filename, ImageIOBase::Pointer &imageIO)
int PeekAtImageDimension (std::string filename)
ImageIOBase::IOComponentType PeekAtComponentType (std::string filename)
ImageIOBase::IOPixelType PeekAtPixelType (std::string filename)
int PeekAtImageDimensionFromSizeInVoxels (std::string filename)
GetExceptionString (ExceptionObject &err)
std::string ConvertSpatialOrientationToString (const SpatialOrientation::ValidCoordinateOrientationFlags &code)
SpatialOrientation::ValidCoordinateOrientationFlags ConvertStringToSpatialOrientation (std::string code)
std::string ModifyFilenameSuffix (std::string filename, std::string suffix)
std::string ExtractSuffix (std::string filename)
ExtractSuffix (std::string filename, std::string suffix)
template<typename TImage >
bool IsImageBinary (typename TImage::Pointer image)
 Return whether an image is binary or not. More...
template<typename TImage >
bool IsImageBinary (typename TImage::Pointer image, typename TImage::PixelType &intensity1, typename TImage::PixelType &intensity2)
 Return whether an image is binary or not. More...
template<typename TInputImage >
bool ReadImageFromFile (const char *fileInput, const char *description, typename TInputImage::Pointer &image)
 Read an ITK image to a file and print a message. More...
template<typename TInputImage >
bool ReadImageFromFile (const char *fileInput, const char *description, typename TInputImage::ConstPointer &image)
 Read an ITK image to a file and print a message. More...
template<typename TInputImage >
bool ReadImageFromFile (std::string fileInput, typename TInputImage::Pointer &image, std::string *description=0)
 Read an ITK image to a file and print a message. More...
template<typename TInputImage >
bool ReadImageFromFile (std::string fileInput, typename TInputImage::ConstPointer &image, std::string *description=0)
 Read an ITK image to a file and print a message. More...
template<typename TOutputImage >
void WriteImageToFile (const char *fileOutput, const char *description, typename TOutputImage::Pointer image)
 Write an ITK image to a file and print a message. More...
template<typename TOutputImage >
void WriteImageToFile (const char *fileOutput, const char *description, typename TOutputImage::ConstPointer image)
 Write an ITK image to a file and print a message. More...
template<typename TOutputImage >
void WriteImageToFile (std::string fileOutput, typename TOutputImage::Pointer image, std::string *description=0)
 Write an ITK image to a file and print a message. More...
template<typename TOutputImage >
void WriteImageToFile (std::string fileOutput, typename TOutputImage::ConstPointer image, std::string *description=0)
 Write an ITK image to a file and print a message. More...
template<class TPixel , unsigned int VDimension, class TContainer >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const BSplineOperator< TPixel, VDimension, TContainer > &bspline)
int GetAxisFromOrientationString (const std::string &orientationString, const itk::Orientation &orientation)
 Works out the axis of interest from the orientationString (normally derived from direction cosines), and the requested orientation. More...
int GetUpDirection (const std::string &orientationString, const int &axisOfInterest)
 Returns either +1, or -1 to indicate in which direction you should change the slice number to go "up". More...
std::string GetMajorAxisFromPatientRelativeDirectionCosine (double x, double y, double z)
 Returns the orientation string based on the the major axis. More...
template<class TImage >
NIFTKITK_WINEXPORT ITK_EXPORT void LimitMaskByRegion (TImage *mask, typename TImage::RegionType &region, typename TImage::PixelType outValue)
 Used to mask an image within a region. More...
template<typename TPixel , unsigned int VImageDimension>
NIFTKITK_WINEXPORT ITK_EXPORT void GetVolumeFromITKImage (const itk::Image< TPixel, VImageDimension > *itkImage, double &imageVolume)
 Returns the volume (number of voxels * voxel volume), of the number of voxels above zero. More...
template<unsigned int VImageDimension>
NIFTKITK_WINEXPORT ITK_EXPORT void GetOrientationString (const itk::Matrix< double, VImageDimension, VImageDimension > &directionMatrix, std::string &orientationString)
 Gets the orientation string from direction cosines, but only works for 3D. More...
template<typename TPixel , unsigned int VImageDimension>
NIFTKITK_WINEXPORT ITK_EXPORT void GetOrientationStringFromITKImage (const itk::Image< TPixel, VImageDimension > *itkImage, std::string &orientationString)
 Gets the orientation string for a 3D image. More...
template<typename TPixel , unsigned int VImageDimension>
NIFTKITK_WINEXPORT ITK_EXPORT void GetAxisFromITKImage (const itk::Image< TPixel, VImageDimension > *itkImage, const itk::Orientation orientation, int &outputAxis)
 Returns the axis [0=x, 1=y, 2=z, -1=UNKNOWN] corresponding to the specified orientation for the given image. More...
template<typename TPixel , unsigned int VImageDimension>
NIFTKITK_WINEXPORT ITK_EXPORT void GetUpDirectionFromITKImage (const itk::Image< TPixel, VImageDimension > *itkImage, const itk::Orientation orientation, int &upDirection)
 Returns +1 or -1 (or 0 if unknown) to indicate which way from the centre of the volume is considered "Up", which means anterior in coronal view, superior in axial view and right in sagittal view. More...
template<typename TPixel , unsigned int VImageDimension>
NIFTKITK_WINEXPORT ITK_EXPORT void GetOrientationLabelFromITKImage (const itk::Image< TPixel, VImageDimension > *itkImage, std::string &label)
 Get Image Orientation Label (Axial/Coronal/Sagittal) based on Direction Cosines of the input image. More...
static std::string GetExtension (const std::string &filename)
static std::string GetRootName (const std::string &filename)
static std::string GetHeaderFileName (const std::string &filename)
static std::string GetImageFileName (const std::string &filename)
static std::string GetExtension (const std::string &filename)
static std::string GetRootName (const std::string &filename)
static std::string GetHeaderFileName (const std::string &filename)
template<class TBuffer >
void RescaleFunction (TBuffer *buffer, double slope, double intercept, vcl_size_t size)
template<typename PixelType >
void CastCopy (float *to, void *from, vcl_size_t pixelcount)


const char DataTypes [12][10]
const short int DataTypeSizes [12] = { 0, 1, 8, 16, 32, 32, 64, 64, 24, 0, 16, 32 }
const short int DataTypeKey [12]

Detailed Description

The specification for this file format is taken from the web site

Hans J. Johnson The University of Iowa 2002

Typedef Documentation

typedef vnl_matrix<double> itk::MatrixType
typedef vnl_vector<double> itk::VectorType

Enumeration Type Documentation

The index into the DataTypes array for each type.


Acceptable values for hdr.dime.datatype


Deontes that the data type is unknon


Deontes that the data type is binary


Deontes that the data type is unsigned char


Deontes that the data type is signed short


Deontes that the data type is signed int


Deontes that the data type is single precision floating point


Deontes that the data type is pairs of single precision floating point numbers


Deontes that the data type is double precision floating point


Deontes that the data type is triples of unsigned char


Deontes that the data type is unknon


Deontes that the data type is unsigned short in SPM analyze extensions


Deontes that the data type is unsigned int in SPM analyze extensions


Enum to define the concept of orientation directions.


Function Documentation

template<typename PixelType >
void itk::CastCopy ( float *  to,
void from,
vcl_size_t  pixelcount 
template<typename TImage >
bool itk::ConvertMammogramFromRawToPresentation ( typename TImage::Pointer &  image,
itk::MetaDataDictionary &  dictionary 

Convert a raw DICOM mammogram to a presentation version by log inverting it.

NIFTKITK_WINEXPORT ITK_EXPORT std::string itk::ConvertSpatialOrientationToString ( const SpatialOrientation::ValidCoordinateOrientationFlags &  code)

Converts a SpatialOrientation code into a string. eg. ITK_COORDINATE_ORIENTATION_RAS to RAS.

NIFTKITK_WINEXPORT ITK_EXPORT SpatialOrientation::ValidCoordinateOrientationFlags itk::ConvertStringToSpatialOrientation ( std::string  code)

Converts a code (3 letters, uppercase, made from L/R, I/S, A/P), into a ValidCoordinateOrientationFlags.

template<typename TImage >
void itk::CreatePositiveMammogram ( typename TImage::Pointer &  image,
itk::MetaDataDictionary &  dictionary,
bool  flgInvert = false 

Create a positive version of a DICOM mammogram.

NIFTKITK_WINEXPORT ITK_EXPORT std::string itk::ExtractSuffix ( std::string  filename,
std::string  suffix 

Extract and return the suffix (taking into account .Z or .gz)

std::string itk::ExtractSuffix ( std::string  filename)
template<typename TPixel , unsigned int VImageDimension>
NIFTKITK_WINEXPORT ITK_EXPORT void itk::GetAxisFromITKImage ( const itk::Image< TPixel, VImageDimension > *  itkImage,
const itk::Orientation  orientation,
int outputAxis 

Returns the axis [0=x, 1=y, 2=z, -1=UNKNOWN] corresponding to the specified orientation for the given image.

NIFTKITK_WINEXPORT ITK_EXPORT int itk::GetAxisFromOrientationString ( const std::string orientationString,
const itk::Orientation orientation 

Works out the axis of interest from the orientationString (normally derived from direction cosines), and the requested orientation.

std::string itk::GetExceptionString ( itk::ExceptionObject &  err)
NIFTKITK_WINEXPORT ITK_EXPORT std::string itk::GetExceptionString ( ExceptionObject &  err)

Prints out a reasonable message from an exception, so we can log it, but ideally, you should probably rethrow it aswell.

typenameitk::ExceptionObject err the exception
std::string a formatted exception string
static std::string itk::GetExtension ( const std::string filename)

This should be declared public in base class, but unfortunately isn't, so it's a cut and paste.

static std::string itk::GetExtension ( const std::string filename)
static std::string itk::GetHeaderFileName ( const std::string filename)

This should be declared public in base class, but unfortunately isn't, so it's a cut and paste.

static std::string itk::GetHeaderFileName ( const std::string filename)
static std::string itk::GetImageFileName ( const std::string filename)
NIFTKITK_WINEXPORT ITK_EXPORT std::string itk::GetMajorAxisFromPatientRelativeDirectionCosine ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z 

Returns the orientation string based on the the major axis.

template<typename TPixel , unsigned int VImageDimension>
NIFTKITK_WINEXPORT ITK_EXPORT void itk::GetOrientationLabelFromITKImage ( const itk::Image< TPixel, VImageDimension > *  itkImage,
std::string label 

Get Image Orientation Label (Axial/Coronal/Sagittal) based on Direction Cosines of the input image.

template<unsigned int VImageDimension>
NIFTKITK_WINEXPORT ITK_EXPORT void itk::GetOrientationString ( const itk::Matrix< double, VImageDimension, VImageDimension > &  directionMatrix,
std::string orientationString 

Gets the orientation string from direction cosines, but only works for 3D.

template<typename TPixel , unsigned int VImageDimension>
NIFTKITK_WINEXPORT ITK_EXPORT void itk::GetOrientationStringFromITKImage ( const itk::Image< TPixel, VImageDimension > *  itkImage,
std::string orientationString 

Gets the orientation string for a 3D image.

static std::string itk::GetRootName ( const std::string filename)

This should be declared public in base class, but unfortunately isn't, so it's a cut and paste.

static std::string itk::GetRootName ( const std::string filename)
NIFTKITK_WINEXPORT ITK_EXPORT int itk::GetUpDirection ( const std::string orientationString,
const int axisOfInterest 

Returns either +1, or -1 to indicate in which direction you should change the slice number to go "up".

orientationStringThe orientation string such as "RAS", "LPI" etc.
axisOfInterestWhich axis are we looking at within the orientationString.
-1 or +1 telling you to either increase of decrease the slice number or 0 for "unknown".

So, the MIDAS spec is: Shortcut key A=Up, Z=Down which means:

Axial: A=Superior, Z=Inferior
Coronal: A=Anterior, Z=Posterior
Sagittal: A=Right, Z=Left
template<typename TPixel , unsigned int VImageDimension>
NIFTKITK_WINEXPORT ITK_EXPORT void itk::GetUpDirectionFromITKImage ( const itk::Image< TPixel, VImageDimension > *  itkImage,
const itk::Orientation  orientation,
int upDirection 

Returns +1 or -1 (or 0 if unknown) to indicate which way from the centre of the volume is considered "Up", which means anterior in coronal view, superior in axial view and right in sagittal view.

template<typename TPixel , unsigned int VImageDimension>
NIFTKITK_WINEXPORT ITK_EXPORT void itk::GetVolumeFromITKImage ( const itk::Image< TPixel, VImageDimension > *  itkImage,
double &  imageVolume 

Returns the volume (number of voxels * voxel volume), of the number of voxels above zero.

NIFTKITK_WINEXPORT ITK_EXPORT void itk::InitialiseImageIO ( std::string  filename,
ImageIOBase::Pointer &  imageIO 

Helper method called by above.

template<typename TImage >
bool itk::IsImageBinary ( typename TImage::Pointer  image)

Return whether an image is binary or not.

template<typename TImage >
bool itk::IsImageBinary ( typename TImage::Pointer  image,
typename TImage::PixelType intensity1,
typename TImage::PixelType intensity2 

Return whether an image is binary or not.

template<class TInputImage1 , class TInputImage2 >
ITK_EXPORT bool itk::IsSameRegionSize ( typename TInputImage1::Pointer  image1,
typename TInputImage2::Pointer  image2 

Check if the two images have the same size.

typenameTInputImage1::Pointer image1 The first image.
typenameTInputImage2::Pointer image2 The second image.
true if the two images have the same size, false if otherwise.
template<class TInputImage1 , class TInputImage2 >
ITK_EXPORT bool itk::IsSameVoxelSize ( typename TInputImage1::Pointer  image1,
typename TInputImage2::Pointer  image2 

Check if the two images have the same voxel sizes, within a relative error of 0.00005 in each dimension.

typenameTInputImage1::Pointer image1 The first image.
typenameTInputImage2::Pointer image2 The second image.
true if the two images have the same voxel size, false if otherwise.
template<class TImage >
NIFTKITK_WINEXPORT ITK_EXPORT void itk::LimitMaskByRegion ( TImage *  mask,
typename TImage::RegionType region,
typename TImage::PixelType  outValue 

Used to mask an image within a region.

Takes an input mask, and region, and iterates through the whole mask, checking that if a pixel is on (it's not the 'outValue'), it is within the specified region. If not, that pixel is set to the outValue. We assume, and don't check that the region is entirely within the mask.

NIFTKITK_WINEXPORT ITK_EXPORT std::string itk::ModifyFilenameSuffix ( std::string  filename,
std::string  suffix 

Modifies the suffix (taking into account .Z or .gz)

void itk::ModifyTag ( itk::MetaDataDictionary &  dictionary,
std::string  tagID,
std::string  newTagValue 
template<class TPixel , unsigned int VDimension, class TContainer >
std::ostream& itk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const BSplineOperator< TPixel, VDimension, TContainer > &  bspline 
NIFTKITK_WINEXPORT ITK_EXPORT ImageIOBase::IOComponentType itk::PeekAtComponentType ( std::string  filename)

Take a peek at an image to determine the component type (eg. float, short etc. )

typenamestd::string filename the filename of the image
typenameitk::ExceptionObject if it fails for any reason.
NIFTKITK_WINEXPORT ITK_EXPORT int itk::PeekAtImageDimension ( std::string  filename)

Take a peek at an image to determine the number of dimensions (eg. 2D or 3D).

typenamestd::string filename the filename of the image
int the number of dimensions
typenameitk::ExceptionObject if it fails for any reason.
NIFTKITK_WINEXPORT ITK_EXPORT int itk::PeekAtImageDimensionFromSizeInVoxels ( std::string  filename)

Take a peek at an image to determine the dimension of an image based on the number of voxels (e.g. Nx,Ny,1 is a 2D image).

typenamestd::string filename the filename of the image
typenameitk::ExceptionObject if it fails for any reason.
NIFTKITK_WINEXPORT ITK_EXPORT ImageIOBase::IOPixelType itk::PeekAtPixelType ( std::string  filename)

Take a peek at an image to determine the pixel type (scalar, vector etc).

typenamestd::string filename the filename of the image
typenameitk::ExceptionObject if it fails for any reason.
template<typename TInputImage >
bool itk::ReadImageFromFile ( const char *  fileInput,
const char *  description,
typename TInputImage::Pointer &  image 

Read an ITK image to a file and print a message.

template<typename TInputImage >
bool itk::ReadImageFromFile ( const char *  fileInput,
const char *  description,
typename TInputImage::ConstPointer &  image 

Read an ITK image to a file and print a message.

template<typename TInputImage >
bool itk::ReadImageFromFile ( std::string  fileInput,
typename TInputImage::Pointer &  image,
std::string description = 0 

Read an ITK image to a file and print a message.

template<typename TInputImage >
bool itk::ReadImageFromFile ( std::string  fileInput,
typename TInputImage::ConstPointer &  image,
std::string description = 0 

Read an ITK image to a file and print a message.

template<class TBuffer >
void itk::RescaleFunction ( TBuffer *  buffer,
double  slope,
double  intercept,
vcl_size_t  size 
void itk::SetTag ( itk::MetaDataDictionary &  dictionary,
std::string  tagID,
std::string  newTagValue 
int itk::SuperEllipseFit ( SuperEllipseFitMetric::DataType &  data,
bool  useGradient = true,
double  fTolerance = 1e-2,
double  gTolerance = 1e-2,
double  xTolerance = 1e-5,
double  epsilonFunction = 1e-9,
int  maxIterations = 200 
template<typename TOutputImage >
void itk::WriteImageToFile ( const char *  fileOutput,
const char *  description,
typename TOutputImage::Pointer  image 

Write an ITK image to a file and print a message.

template<typename TOutputImage >
void itk::WriteImageToFile ( const char *  fileOutput,
const char *  description,
typename TOutputImage::ConstPointer  image 

Write an ITK image to a file and print a message.

template<typename TOutputImage >
void itk::WriteImageToFile ( std::string  fileOutput,
typename TOutputImage::Pointer  image,
std::string description = 0 

Write an ITK image to a file and print a message.

template<typename TOutputImage >
void itk::WriteImageToFile ( std::string  fileOutput,
typename TOutputImage::ConstPointer  image,
std::string description = 0 

Write an ITK image to a file and print a message.

Variable Documentation

const short int itk::DataTypeKey
Initial value:
Definition: itkAnalyzeDbh_p.h:84
Definition: itkAnalyzeDbh_p.h:81
Definition: itkAnalyzeDbh_p.h:90
Definition: itkAnalyzeDbh_p.h:82
Definition: itkAnalyzeDbh_p.h:86
Definition: itkAnalyzeDbh_p.h:87
Definition: itkAnalyzeDbh_p.h:79
Definition: itkAnalyzeDbh_p.h:91
Definition: itkAnalyzeDbh_p.h:80
Definition: itkAnalyzeDbh_p.h:85
Definition: itkAnalyzeDbh_p.h:83
Definition: itkAnalyzeDbh_p.h:78

An array with Data type key sizes

    See also
const char itk::DataTypes
Initial value:

An array of the Analyze v7.5 known DataTypes

  • 0–>"UNKNOWN"
  • 1–>"BINARY"
  • 2–>"CHAR"
  • 3–>"SHORT"
  • 4–>"INT"
  • 5–>"FLOAT"
  • 6–>"COMPLEX"
  • 7–>"DOUBLE"
  • 8–>"RGB"
  • 9–>"ALL"
  • 10–>"USHORT"
  • 11–>"UINT"
    See also
const short int itk::DataTypeSizes = { 0, 1, 8, 16, 32, 32, 64, 64, 24, 0, 16, 32 }

An array with the corresponding number of bits for each image type.