NifTK  16.4.1 - 0798f20
CMIC's Translational Medical Imaging Platform
How To - Erase the Plugin Cache

The CTK/MITK plugin framework maintains a cache to improve the speed of loading and unloading of plugins at run time. The first time the NiftyView GUI runs, the necessary data is copied to a platform specific folder. This does take some time and subsequent startups are much quicker.

When a new version of NiftyView is released, and the new version of NiftyView is run, the plugin framework should replace the information in the cache. However, under certain conditions this may fail, so it is worth knowing where the cache is, as it may need to be manually deleted.

You can safely delete the following folders:

The cache includes all preference settings. So removing the cache will also remove all your preference settings, and the application will return to default preferences.