NifTK  16.4.1 - 0798f20
CMIC's Translational Medical Imaging Platform
Testing - NifTK/Applications


This page shows an example of how to test an application binary. The reason for doing so is to actually test the end user application. An ordinary ctest unit test, using the typical ctest method such as can be found in:


registers a test file eg. ExtractEdgeImageTest.cxx with the test harness BasicFiltersUnitTests and so is useful for testing individual filters, or each class individually, which is the purpose of unit tests. However, an application in the


folder may string together many filters. Rather than miss these application programs out from any automated testing, the method below can be used to exercise the code directly. This may also provide a way to get good code coverage, and also prove that each delivered app does what it says it does, as each test can be specific to a user requirement.


The basic method is to use ctest to first run the program, and then a separate invokation of ctest to check the output. The downside of the method below is that it still does not test negative cases, where the program is meant to fail, for example, testing that a program correctly handles improper command line arguments. The other downside, is that the method below introduces dependencies on the ordering of tests. This means that randomised testing using the ctest –schedule-random will not work.

First, take a look at variables in NifTK/Testing/CMakeLists.txt

${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH} = on Linux/Mac the <your build folder>/NifTK-build/bin folder, 
                            on Windows it will be the analagous Debug/Release folder.

The testing process below uses:

${INPUT_DATA}             = ${NIFTK_INPUT_DATA}/Input
${BASELINE}               = ${NIFTK_INPUT_DATA}/Baseline
${TEMP}                   = <your build folder>/NifTK-build/Testing/Temporary

The test data is located using the variable ${NIFTK_INPUT_DATA}. You can download the test data project NifTKData and specify ${NIFTK_INPUT_DATA} manually, or you can specify BUILD_TESTING = ON, in the SuperBuild, and the SuperBuild will download it, and set this variable automatically to:

${NIFTK_INPUT_DATA}       = <your build folder>/NifTKData

The testing method works as follows, where we use a simple example, running niftkAdd. First run the program to produce some output.

ADD_TEST(niftkAdd-Run2D ${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}/niftkAdd -i ${INPUT_DATA}/cte_circle_gm.png -j ${INPUT_DATA}/cte_circle_wm.png -o ${TEMP}/niftkAdd-2D-output.png)

The arguments can be explained as follows:

niftkAdd-Run2D                     = the name of the test as it appears in the dashboard.
${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}/niftkAdd = the actual executable
-i ... -j ... -o                   = the specific arguments for niftkAdd

We can see that we are simply using ctest to run the command, and giving it some test data, and writing the output to the ${TEMP} folder. In general, test images should be as small as possible, to make the unit tests run fast. This increases the likelihood that people will run them as part of their test, code, test, code, test code cycle.

Then we can assess the result as follows. We can either use ctest itself, which has a compare_files option,

ADD_TEST(niftkAdd-Test2D ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E compare_files  ${BASELINE}/cte_circle_gmwm.png ${TEMP}/niftkAdd-2D-output.png )

or in the case of images, especially float images, we want to compare images with a given tolerance.

The NifTK project has:

so we can use niftkTestCompareImage to check the output

ADD_TEST(niftkAdd-Test2D ${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}/niftkTestCompareImage -i ${TEMP}/niftkAdd-2D-output.png -j ${BASELINE}/niftkAdd-2D-output.png -intensity )

These exact commands can be seen in:


with the results appearing on the nightly dashboard.

To manually run the above test, execute:

ctest -V -R Add-Run2D
ctest -V -R Add-Test2D