NifTK  16.4.1 - 0798f20
CMIC's Translational Medical Imaging Platform
Testing Reports

(Note: This page is automatically generated. Please do not attempt to edit it!)

This page is generated by running specific unit tests, and it confirms that tests are associated with functional requirements.

Requirement IDDescriptionStatus
Refactored out common parts (Copyright, defn, refs, traceability), added REQ-2001-CSD-0001-008-01.Refactored out common parts (Copyright, defn, refs, traceability), added REQ-2001-CSD-0001-008-01.
REQ-2001-CSD-0001-001-01If number of fixed points < 3, throw mitk::Exception.REQ-2001-CSD-0001-001-01 ......... Passed 0.82 sec
REQ-2001-CSD-0001-002-01If number of moving points < 3, throw mitk::Exception.REQ-2001-CSD-0001-002-01 ......... Passed 0.62 sec
REQ-2001-CSD-0001-003-01If number of points doesn't match, throw mitk::Exception.REQ-2001-CSD-0001-003-01 ......... Passed 0.62 sec
REQ-2001-CSD-0001-004-01Two point sets, identical apart from translation should register with FRE < 0.001REQ-2001-CSD-0001-004-01 ......... Passed 0.65 sec
REQ-2001-CSD-0001-005-01Two point sets, identical apart from rotation should register with FRE < 0.001REQ-2001-CSD-0001-005-01 ......... Passed 0.62 sec
REQ-2001-CSD-0001-006-01Point sets of 100,000 corresponding points must register in < 0.001 seconds.
REQ-2001-CSD-0001-008-01The PBRS shall be available as a Micro Service.REQ-2001-CSD-0001-008-01 ......... Passed 1.21 sec
REQ-2001-CSD-0002-002-01If number of fixed points < 3, throw mitk::Exception.
REQ-2001-CSD-0002-003-01If number of moving points < 3, throw mitk::Exception.
REQ-2001-CSD-0002-004-01Two point sets, identical apart from translation should register with RMS residual < 0.001
REQ-2001-CSD-0002-005-01Two point sets, identical apart from rotation should register with RMS residual < 0.001
REQ-2001-CSD-0002-001-01The ICPBRS shall be available as a Micro Service.REQ-2001-CSD-0002-001-01 ......... Passed 6.70 sec
REQ-2001-CSD-0002-006-01Point sets of 100,000 corresponding points must register in < 0.001 seconds.