NifTK  16.4.1 - 0798f20
CMIC's Translational Medical Imaging Platform
Workbench Main Window

Figure 1. The Main Screen with only the Data Manager plugin loaded.

The Nifty applications could potentially start up with an almost empty screen. Figure 1. shows the screen and the top menu bar as displayed under Mac OSX. The exact appearance will depend on your platform. The main screen area shows nothing more than a grey outline, and by default the MITK Data Manager View is visible, and uncloseable.

The Main Window provides:

The "About" dialog box provides acknowledgements, links to third party software licenses, and important versioning information.

Figure 2. The 'About' dialog box provides important information.

The "User Preferences" dialog provides a single place to find all the user preferences. Each plugin can contain various preferences and configuration parameters that will appear in this dialog box.

Figure 3. The 'User Preferences' dialog box, is the single point for application settings