NifTK  16.4.1 - 0798f20
CMIC's Translational Medical Imaging Platform

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This script will import data into the standard FreeSurfer directory structure.
In contrast to, this does NO re-orientation. It just runs FreeSurfers
own mri_convert program on both the image and the brain mask.

This script would be most useful for people who have already been doing some SPM/VBM
and have already got their nifti images in the correct orientation.

Usage: dataFile [ options ]
Mandatory Arguments:

  dataFile      : A file containing your patient names and details, like this:

                  Patient Mask                      Image            Image            Image             etc.
                  ALLFR   Nic_02979_1140620563.nii  02979-002-1.nii  02979-002-2.nii  02979-002-3.nii   etc.
                  ALLHA   Nic_03920_1351234123.nii  03929-002-1.nii  03929-003-1.nii  03929-004-1.nii   etc.

                  The first line is just text, and hence skipped.
                  After that, you can use absolute or relative pathnames, using full filenames (including extension like .nii).
                  Also, if the -noMask option is specified, then all images are assumed to be T1 scans, not brain masks.
                  The DRC default is to use a brain mask.

  -b beginRow   : is the start row in the dataFile.
  -e endRow     : is the end row in the dataFile.
  -noMask       : the first image is to be treated as a T1 scan, not a brain mask

  -M            : options to pass to mri_convert specified in double quotes