NifTK  16.4.1 - 0798f20
CMIC's Translational Medical Imaging Platform

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This script runs the FreeSurfer Longitudinal process on all timepoints, for a batch of patients.

Refer to: 
This script is equivalent to running:
  recon-all -long <tpNid> <templateid> -all

on all subjects.

Usage: dataFile [options] 

Mandatory Arguments:

  dataFile               : is a file containing 1 line per patient, where each line contains a patient name, followed by
                           the FreeSurfer directory name of each time point for that patient.
                           ALLHA ALLHA01 ALLHA02 ALLHA03
                           ALLFA ALLFA01 ALLFA02 ALLFA03


  -echo                   : Just echo the commands, don't actually do it.