NifTK  16.4.1 - 0798f20
CMIC's Translational Medical Imaging Platform

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This script will take a FreeSurfer subject (that has already been run successfully)
and then run a voxel based analysis, and generate a replacement thickness file.

Usage: [ options ] ALLFR ALLHA CCCCC DDDDD etc.

  All arguments after the options are FreeSurfer directories under the current directory.
  -regbased   : Use registration based method: S. R. Das et. al., NeuroImage 45 (2009) 867-879
                without which we default to  : IEEE TMI Vol. 22, No. 10, Oct 2003
  -old        : As of 29/01/2009, I have two versions of this cortical thickness.
                old = itkRegistrationBasedCTEFilter.h
                new = itkRegistrationBasedCorticalThicknessFilter.h
                new is default.
  -time <int> : Number of time steps for Das method. Use 1 or 2 on a workstation, 
                and more on a 64 bit machine, memory permitting. Default is 1.

  -vmf        : Voxel multiplication factor for voxel based method.
* NOTE: In order to get the averaging to work, the thickness file must still be called         *
* lh.thickness and rh.thickness. So, this script will overwrite the existing ones.             *
* So you are advised to run FreeSurfer 'as per normal', then take a copy of all your patients, *
* and run this script on the copy.                                                             *