NifTK  16.4.1 - 0798f20
CMIC's Translational Medical Imaging Platform
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niftkVTKFunctions.h File Reference
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double niftk::GetEuclideanDistanceBetweenTwo3DPoints (const double *a, const double *b)
double niftk::GetLength (const double *a)
void niftk::ScaleVector (const double &scaleFactor, const double *a, double *b)
void niftk::SubtractTwo3DPoints (const double *a, const double *b, double *output)
void niftk::AddTwo3DPoints (const double *a, const double *b, double *output)
void niftk::NormaliseToUnitLength (const double *a, double *output)
void niftk::Normalise3DPoint (const double *a, const double length, double *output)
void niftk::CrossProductTwo3DVectors (const double *a, const double *b, double *c)
void niftk::CalculateUnitVector (const double *a, const double *b, double *output)
double niftk::AngleBetweenTwoUnitVectors (const double *a, const double *b)
double niftk::AngleBetweenTwoUnitVectorsInDegrees (const double *a, const double *b)
bool niftk::ClipPointToWithinBoundingBox (const double *bounds, double *point)
double niftk::GetBoundingBoxDiagonalLength (const double *boundingBoxVector6)
void niftk::CopyDoubleVector (int n, const double *a, double *b)
void niftk::PerturbPolyDataAlongNormal (vtkPolyData *polydata, double stdDev, vtkRandomSequence *rng)
void niftk::PerturbPolyData (vtkPolyData *polydata, double xerr, double yerr, double zerr, vtkRandomSequence *rng)
 Perturbs the points in a polydata object by random values, using existing random number generator. More...
void niftk::PerturbPolyData (vtkPolyData *polydata, double xerr, double yerr, double zerr)
 Perturbs the points in a polydata object by with random values, intialising and using it's own random number generator. More...
void niftk::TranslatePolyData (vtkPolyData *polydata, vtkTransform *transform)
 Translates a polydata object using a transform. More...
void niftk::RandomTransform (vtkTransform *transform, double xtrans, double ytrans, double ztrans, double xrot, double yrot, double zrot, vtkRandomSequence *rng)
 Creates a randomly determined vtkTransform, using existing random number geneterator. More...
void niftk::RandomTransform (vtkTransform *transform, double xtrans, double ytrans, double ztrans, double xrot, double yrot, double zrot)
 Creates a randomly determined vtktransform, using it's own random number generator. More...
double niftk::NormalisedRNG (vtkRandomSequence *rng)
 Normalises the values returned by a vtk random sequence to be centred on zero. More...
bool niftk::DistancesToColorMap (vtkPolyData *source, vtkPolyData *target)
 Measures the euclidean distances between the points in two polydata, and sets the. More...
double niftk::DistanceToSurface (double point[3], vtkPolyData *target)
 Returns the euclidean distance (in 3D) between a point and the closest point on a polydata mesh. More...
double niftk::DistanceToSurface (double point[3], vtkCellLocator *targetLocator, vtkGenericCell *cell=NULL)
 Returns the euclidean distance (in 3D) between a point and the closest point on a polydata mesh. More...
void niftk::DistanceToSurface (vtkPolyData *source, vtkPolyData *target)
 Calculates the euclidean distance (in 3D) between each point in the source polydata and the closest point on the target polydata mesh. The result are stored the distances in the scalar values of the source. More...
void niftk::DistanceToSurface (vtkPolyData *source, vtkPolyData *target, vtkSmartPointer< vtkDoubleArray > &result)
 Calculates the euclidean distance (in 3D) between each point in the source polydata and the closest point on the target polydata mesh. The result distances are stored in the scalar values passed in. More...
std::string niftk::WriteMatrix4x4ToString (const vtkMatrix4x4 &matrix)
 Writes matrix out as a string, for use in SaveMatrix4x4ToFile. More...
bool niftk::SaveMatrix4x4ToFile (const std::string &fileName, const vtkMatrix4x4 &matrix, const bool &silent=false)
 Save the matrix to a plain text file of 4 rows of 4 space separated numbers. More...
vtkSmartPointer< vtkMatrix4x4 > niftk::LoadMatrix4x4FromFile (const std::string &fileName, const bool &silent=false)
 Loads the matrix from file, or else creates an Identity matrix, and the caller is responsible for deallocation. More...
bool niftk::MatricesAreEqual (const vtkMatrix4x4 &m1, const vtkMatrix4x4 &m2, const double &tolerance=0.01)
 Checks matrices for equality. More...
void niftk::SetCameraParallelTo2DImage (const int *imageSize, const int *windowSize, const double *origin, const double *spacing, const double *xAxis, const double *yAxis, const double *clippingRange, const bool &flipYAxis, vtkCamera &camera, const double &distanceToFocalPoint=-1000)
 Used to set a vtkCamera to track a 2D image, and sets the camera to parallel projection mode. More...
bool niftk::CropPointsFromPolyData (vtkPolyData *PolyData, int Points=200)
 Randomly removes points from the passed polydata until the passed number of points Any cells or surfaces will be deleted as part of the process, leaving only points. More...
void niftk::MatrixToQuaternion (const vtkMatrix4x4 &matrix, double *quaternion)
 Extracts the rotation matrix, and converts to quaternion. More...
void niftk::InterpolateRotation (const double *beforeRotation, const double *afterRotation, const double &weight, double *outputRotation, bool adjustSign)
 Performs spherical linear interpolation. More...
void niftk::InterpolateTransformationMatrix (const vtkMatrix4x4 &before, const vtkMatrix4x4 &after, const double &proportion, vtkMatrix4x4 &interpolated)
 Interpolates between two matrices. More...