NifTK  16.4.1 - 0798f20
CMIC's Translational Medical Imaging Platform

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This script will generate randomly misregistered images and regions.

Usage: /scratch0/NOT_BACKED_UP/clarkson/auto/src/niftk-nightly-release/NifTK-build/bin/ fileOfInputs fileOfOutput [options ]

Mandatory Arguments:
  fileOfInputs          : file containing a list of input images, input region.
                          01036-003-1 Man_01036_1200663431 
                          01200-003-1 JoF_01200_1186398646 
  fileOfOutput          : this program writes a file of details showing you what the misregistrations were.

  -n                    : number of random mis-registrations produced per input image [ default 10 ]
  -rl                   : lower rotation range    [default 5  degrees ]
  -ru                   : upper rotation range    [default 10 degrees ]
  -tl                   : lower translation range [default 10 millimetres ]
  -tu                   : upper translation range [default 20 millimetres ]
  -sl                   : lower scale range       [default 0.25 percent] 
  -su                   : upper scale range       [default 1.0 percent]
  -linear               : Linear interpolation
  -bspline              : bspline interpolation
  -cspline              : spline interpolation
  -sinc                 : sinc interpolation