NifTK  16.4.1 - 0798f20
CMIC's Translational Medical Imaging Platform
Point Based Registration Service (PBRS)

Table of Contents

Point Based Registration Service (PBRS)

Component Specification Document (CSD)

Document ID:UCL-2001-CSD-0001-PointBasedRegistrationService.dox
Prepared By:Matt Clarkson
Authorised By:
Last Modified:26 Jun 2015

Revision History

A brief summary of changes between authorised releases of this document is recorded here. This section only describes the changes between authorised published versions.

Version Date Author(s) Change(s) Sections Affected
0.1 28 April 2015 Matt Clarkson Initial Version All
0.2 20 May 2015 Matt Clarkson Update format of requirements identifier. All
0.3 26 Jun 2015 Matt Clarkson Refactored out common parts (Copyright, defn, refs, traceability), added REQ-2001-CSD-0001-008-01. All


The purpose of this Component Specification Document (CSD) is to describe the Point Based Registration Service (PBRS). It is intended to be read by those wanting to gain a technical understanding as to the fundamental requirements, design and implementation. This document is not intended for end-users.


This document defines the requirements, design and implementation.

General Description

Given two sets of ordered, corresponding points, the aim of point based registration is to find the geometrical transformation that best aligns them. One point set is normally termed the 'fixed' point set, and the other the 'moving' point set. Alternatively they may be described as 'target' and 'source' respectively. The aim is to find the transformation that maps the 'moving' points onto the 'fixed' points.

This problem occurs frequently in image guided surgery, and image registration. In image guided surgery, the fixed points may come from landmarks in an MR or CT scan. The moving points are measured in the operating room using a tracked pointer, and the physical coordinates are therefore specified in terms of the tracking device coordinates. The resultant transformation then registers physical space to the scan space.

The general requirement is therefore that

In this service, we implement the algorithm describe in [3], which results in a rigid body transformation, meaning rotations and translations.


Functional Requirements

These functional requirements shall be expressed, each on a single line.

REQ-2001-CSD-0001-001-01: If number of fixed points < 3, throw mitk::Exception.

REQ-2001-CSD-0001-002-01: If number of moving points < 3, throw mitk::Exception.

REQ-2001-CSD-0001-003-01: If number of points doesn't match, throw mitk::Exception.

REQ-2001-CSD-0001-004-01: Two point sets, identical apart from translation should register with FRE < 0.001

REQ-2001-CSD-0001-005-01: Two point sets, identical apart from rotation should register with FRE < 0.001

Non-Functional Requirements

These non-functional requirements shall be expressed, each on a single line.

REQ-2001-CSD-0001-006-01: Point sets of 100,000 corresponding points must register in < 0.001 seconds.

REQ-2001-CSD-0001-008-01: The PBRS shall be available as a Micro Service.



Please read background information on the MITK Micro Services.

The architecture shall be:

This means that clients such as unit tests, other modules, or GUI code can either link directly to niftkPointReg which forces a link-time dependency, or they can have zero link-time dependency and rely on the Micro Service based approach.

Error Handling

All errors shall be communicated by throwing an mitk::Exception.


A few implementation details are described below.


This service is primarily a function call to a mathematical routine. It is a stateless, synchronous design, and as errors will be thrown immediately there is no need for logging. Any logging to describe which points have been registered can be performed by the calling client.

Classes and Functions