NifTK  16.4.1 - 0798f20
CMIC's Translational Medical Imaging Platform
Command Line Applications

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NifTK also contains a large array of command line Applications. These are briefly listed in the table below. The left column links to a page describing the command line usage, and the right column is the first two lines from the usage message.

Known Caveats

niftk2DImagesTo3DVolumeProgram to compose a 3D volume from individual 2D images.
niftkAbsImageFilterRuns the ITK AbsImageFilter on a single image to output the absolute value image, useful for displaying the image properly in MIDAS
niftkAddUSAGE: niftkAdd [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkAddBorderToImageUSAGE: niftkAddBorderToImage [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkAffineUSAGE: niftkAffine [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkAndRuns the ITK AndImageFilter to add two images of equal sizes on a voxel by voxel basis.
niftkAnonymiseDICOMImagesUSAGE: niftkAnonymiseDICOMImages [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkAnonymiseDICOMMammogramsUSAGE: niftkAnonymiseDICOMMammograms [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkApplyMaskToImageUSAGE: niftkApplyMaskToImage [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkAtlasStatisticsTakes an atlas, containing a set of image labels, and for each input image,
niftkAtrophyCalculator.pyThis script is for atrophy calculation using Boundary Shift Integral (BSI).
niftkAverageUses ITK ImageFileReader to load any number of input images, creating the arithmetic mean on a voxel by voxel basis, writing the output with ITK ImageFileWriter. All input images must be the same size, and are converted to float on input, and hence are float on output.
niftkAverageStationaryChessboardsTakes a two directories of images, extracts chessboards,
niftkAverageTrackingMatricesTakes a directory, tries to load all files as 4x4 tracking
niftkBackProject2Dto3DBack projects a 2D image into a 3D volume
niftkBasicImageFeaturesProgram to compute basic image features for a 2D image.
niftkBasicImageFeatures3DProgram to compute basic image features for a 3D image.
niftkBETter.pyTraceback (most recent call last): File "/scratch0/NOT_BACKED_UP/clarkson/auto/src/niftk-nightly-release/NifTK-build/bin/", line 367, in <module>
niftkBiasFieldCorrection.pyThis script is for N3 or N4 bias field correction using Boyes et al. Neuroimage 2008 normalization process.
niftkBifurcationToPointSetTakes VTK PolyLines and converts to MITK
niftkBilateralImageFilterBilteral filter from ITK. See itk::BilateralImageFilter.
niftkBinaryShapeBasedSuperSamplingFilterProgram to super-sample a mask in a specific dimension via shape based interpolation.
niftkBlockMatchingImplements Block Matching, based on Ourselin et. al., Image and Vision Computing, 19 (2000) 25-31 and Includes modifications from Ourselin et. al. MICCAI 2002 pp 140-147.
niftkBreastDCEandADCUSAGE: niftkBreastDCEandADC [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkBreastDensityCalculationGivenMRISegmentationUSAGE: niftkBreastDensityCalculationGivenMRISegmentation
niftkBreastDensityFromMRIsUSAGE: niftkBreastDensityFromMRIs [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkBreastDensityFromMRIsGivenMaskAndImageUSAGE: niftkBreastDensityFromMRIsGivenMaskAndImage [–returnparameterfile
niftkBreastDicomSeriesReadImageWriteProgram to convert the content of a DICOM directory into breast image volumes.
niftkBreastMaskSegmentationFromMRIProgram to segment left and right breasts from a 3D MR volume.
niftkBSIClassic BSI. Program to calculate the boundary shift integral, based on the paper: Freeborough PA and Fox NC, The boundary shift integral: an accurate and robust measure of cerebral volume changes from registered repeat MRI, IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 1997 Oct;16(5):623-9.
niftkCameraCalibrationCalibrates a video camera from a directory containing
niftkCombineSegmentationsMerges several segmentations together to create a single best segmentation using
niftkCommonUnitTestsAvailable tests: 0. niftkConversionUtilsTest
niftkComposeITKAffineTransformationsCompose a pair of affine transformations (see also: niftkMultiplyTransformation).
niftkComputeImageHistogramProgram to calculate the histogram of an image.
niftkComputeJointHistogramProgram to generate a 2D histogram image from a pair of input images. The input images must have the same dimensions.
niftkComputeMeanTransformationCompute the geometric mean of the transformation.
niftkConnectedComponentsRuns ITK ConnectedComponentImageFilter to find connected components.
niftkConvertImageUSAGE: niftkConvertImage [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkConvertImageToDICOMUSAGE: niftkConvertImageToDICOM [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkConvertImageToVTKStructuredGridTransform's an image, as read by ITK, into a VTK structured grid. This program was written because ITK only writes VTK structured points, which doesn't include direction cosines.
niftkConvertMidasStrToNiiConvert a Jacobian file in MIDAS str format to nii format.
niftkConvertNiftiVectorImageConverts a 3D nifti vector valued image into another format.
niftkConvertPLYtoVTKProgram to convert a Stanford University PLY polygonal file format and convert it to VTK format.
niftkConvertRawDICOMMammogramsToPresentationUSAGE: niftkConvertRawDICOMMammogramsToPresentation [–returnparameterfile
niftkConvertToMidasStrOutput a Jacobian file in MIDAS str format.
niftkConvertTransformToRIREFormatConverts an ITK transformation file to that required by Vanderbilt's Retrospective Image Registration Evaluation project.
niftkCorrectVideoDistortionDistortion corrects a video (.avi) or image (.jpg, .png)
niftkCreateAffineTransformCreates an ITK affine transformation from user specified parameters.
niftkCreateAffineTransform2DCreates an ITK 2D affine transformation from user specified parameters.
niftkCreateMaskFromLabelsGiven an image and a list of labels, will output a binary mask, where all voxels with
niftkCreateMaskImageUSAGE: niftkCreateMaskImage [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkCreateTransformationProgram to create a transformation from a user specified list of parameters.
niftkCropImageUSAGE: niftkCropImage [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkCTEAcosta2009SubsamplingImplements the subsampling described in section 3.2 and 3.2.1 of Acosta et. al. MIA 13 (2009) 730-743 doi:10.1016/
niftkCTEAssignAtlasValuesTakes an atlas, and an input image, and for each voxel in the input image that is not background
niftkCTEBourgeat2008Implements Bourgeat et. al. ISBI 2008,
niftkCTEDas2009Implements "Registration based cortical thickness measurement" S. R. Das et. al., NeuroImage 45 (2009) 867-879
niftkCTEExtractGMWMBoundaryFromLabelImageFrom a given label image, assumed to have 3 values, one for GM, one for WM and one for CSF, will extract the GM/WM boundary.
niftkCTEHighResImplements a high resolution version of Bourgeat et. al. ISBI 2008, to calculate cortical thickness
niftkCTEHuttonLayeringImplements Chloe Hutton's method for detecting sulcal CSF via adding layers of GM and iteratively calculating thickness
niftkCTEJones2000Implements Jones et. al. Human Brain Mapping 11:12-32(2000), with optional Gauss-Seidel optimisation,
niftkCTEMaskedSmoothingTakes a data image (eg. thickness) and a binary mask, and for each voxel in the mask image > 0
niftkCTEPrepareVolumesTakes up to 5 volumes, each one being a probability map with values [0-1],
niftkCTEYezzi2003Implements Yezzi and Prince, IEEE TMI Vol. 22, No. 10, Oct 2003,
niftkCurveFitRegistrationProgram to register a temporal image sequence using a B-Spline smoothness contraint in the time access.
niftkDecimatePolyDataRuns the VTK vtkDecimatePro filter on a vtkPolyData.
niftkDecomposeAffineMatrixDecomposes an affine transformation.
niftkDeformationFieldTargetRegistrationErrorCalculates the error between two deformation fields which act in the same direction. Error calculated at voxel positions of mask or deformation field 1.
niftkDenoiseUSAGE: niftkDenoise [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkDicomSeriesReadImageWriteProgram to convert the content of a DICOM directory into image volumes.
niftkDilateUSAGE: niftkDilate [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkDilateMaskAndCropRuns Fluid Cropping process
niftkDistanceTransformRuns the ITK DanielssonDistanceMapImageFilter, specifically for binary images, outputting the distance transform.
niftkDoubleWindowBSIProgram to calculate the double window boundary shift integral, based on the paper Freeborough PA and Fox NC, The boundary shift integral: an accurate and
niftkDynamicContrastEnhancementAnalysisProgram to analyse a set of dynamic contrast enhancement images.
niftkElasticBodySplineWarpUSAGE: niftkElasticBodySplineWarp [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkErodeUSAGE: niftkErode [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkEvaluateIntrinsicParametersOnNumberOfFramesInterogates a tracking and video directory for tracking
niftkEVFFCECTUSAGE: niftkEVFFCECT [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkExportDICOMTagsToCSVFileUSAGE: niftkExportDICOMTagsToCSVFile [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkExtract2DSliceFrom3DImageUSAGE: niftkExtract2DSliceFrom3DImage [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkExtractCurvaturesComputes Gaussian, mean, minimum or maximum curvatures of a scalar image.
niftkExtractRegionRuns ITK ExtractRegion image function
niftkExtractScalpImplements Dogdas et al. Human Brain Mapping 26:273-285(2005) to extract the scalp.
niftkExtractZeroCrossingRuns ITK ZeroCrossingImageFilter.
niftkExtrudeMaskToVolumeUSAGE: niftkExtrudeMaskToVolume [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkFileUnitTestsAvailable tests: 0. niftkFileHelperTest
niftkFillHolesFill hols in an image using itk::VotingBinaryIterativeHoleFillingImageFilter.
niftkFindAndTriangulateCrossHairInterogates a tracking and video directory for tracking
niftkForwardAndBackProjectionDifferenceFilterCompute the difference between a set of projection images and a reconstruction estimate (or zero).
niftkForwardProject3Dto2DProjects a 3D image volume into 2D
niftkGaussianRuns the ITK DiscreteGaussianImageFilter.
niftkGetMatchedTrackingMatrixInterogates a tracking and video directory for tracking
niftkGetMetricValueThis program returns a metric value between two input files
niftkGetTrackerStatsRead a framemap log file and tracking directories and get
niftkGradientVectorFieldTake the gradient of an image, and outputs a vector image. Mainly used for generating test images.
niftkHandeyeCalibrationDetermines the hand eye calibration for a tracked object,
niftkHandeyeCalibrationFromDirectoryInterogates a tracking and video directory for tracking
niftkHandeyeCalibrationUsingRegistrationDetermines the hand eye calibration for a tracked object,
niftkHistogramEqualizationUSAGE: niftkHistogramEqualization [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkHistogramMatchingImageFilterUSAGE: niftkHistogramMatchingImageFilter [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkIGIMakeGeometry"backwall") Make geometry for visualisation of laparoscopic tracking
niftkImageFeatureMatchingRuns stereo matching with a Seqpential CPU
niftkImageInfoPrints image hader information.
niftkImageMomentsRegistrationUSAGE: niftkImageMomentsRegistration [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkImageReconstructionCompute a reconstructed volume from a set of projection images and an initial estimate (or zero).
niftkInjectInjects a mask image into the input image
niftkInvertAffineTransformInverts an affine transform
niftkInvertImageUSAGE: niftkInvertImage [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkInvertTransformationInverts an affine transform
niftkIterativeClosestPointRegisterRuns ICP on a target and source object
niftkITKAffineResampleImageTransform an image using an ITK affine transformation (see also: niftkTransformation).
niftkJacobianStatisticsTakes a jacobian image and a mask and calculates statistics for the masked region
niftkKMeansWindowBSIK-BSI: Program to calculate the boundary shift integral, based on the paper Freeborough PA and Fox NC, The boundary shift integral: an accurate and
niftkKMeansWindowWithLinearRegressionNormalisationBSIProgram to calculate the boundary shift integral, based on the paper Freeborough PA and Fox NC, The boundary shift integral: an accurate and
niftkKNDoubleWindowBSIProgram to calculate the k-means normalised double window boundary shift integral, based on the paper Freeborough PA and Fox NC, The boundary shift integral: an accurate and
niftkLaparoscopeTrackingAccuracyInterogates a tracking and video directory for tracking
niftkLinearSubdivisionPolyDataFilterRuns the VTK vtkLinearSubdivision filter on a vtkPolyData.
niftkLogInvertImageUSAGE: niftkLogInvertImage [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkMakeChessBoardPointSetGenerates an MITK Chessboard (Grid) PointSet from 3
niftkMakeGridOf2DImagesTakes filename prefix and suffix, searches for matching
niftkMakeLapUSProbeAprilTagsModelGenerates a VTK model to match the April Tags board created
niftkMakeLapUSProbeAprilTagsVisualisationUSAGE: niftkMakeLapUSProbeAprilTagsVisualisation [–returnparameterfile
niftkMakeLapUSProbeARUCOModelUSAGE: niftkMakeLapUSProbeARUCOModel [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkMakeLapUSProbeSimulationDataGenerates Test Data for simulating probe
niftkMakeMaskImagesFromStereoVideoInterogates a tracking and video directory for tracking
niftkMammogramCharacteristicsProgram to compute basic characteristics of a mammogram.
niftkMammogramFatSubtractionUSAGE: niftkMammogramFatSubtraction [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkMammogramMaskSegmentationUSAGE: niftkMammogramMaskSegmentation [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkMammogramPectoralisSegmentationUSAGE: niftkMammogramPectoralisSegmentation [–returnparameterfile
niftkMammographicTumourDistributionUSAGE: niftkMammographicTumourDistribution [–returnparameterfile
niftkMapVolumeDataToPolyDataVerticesTakes an image and a VTK PolyData, and for each vertex, interpolates the image, and stores the scalar value with the vertex.
niftkMarchingCubesTakes an image as a VTK structured grid (NOT structured points), and performs a marching cubes iso-surface extraction.
niftkMaskDICOMMammogramsUSAGE: niftkMaskDICOMMammograms [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkMergePointCloudsMerges separate point clouds into one.
niftkMTPDbcPerform the differential bias correction on the two images.
niftkMTPFillLesions.pyThis script is for multi-modality and multi-time-point lesion filling using the patch-based method Prados et al. MICCAI 2014.
niftkMultiplyUSAGE: niftkMultiply [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkMultiplyTransformationMultiply the two input transformations.
niftkMultiScaleHessianImageEnhancement2DProgram to enhance 2D structures using Hessian eigensystem-based measures in a multiscale framework.
niftkMultiScaleHessianImageEnhancement3DProgram to enhance 3D structures using Hessian eigensystem-based measures in a multiscale framework.
niftkN4BiasFieldCorrectionUSAGE: niftkN4BiasFieldCorrection [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkNegateImageUSAGE: niftkNegateImage [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkOCTVolumeConstructorConverts a set of 2D OCT tif files into a 3D volume.
niftkOtsuThresholdImageUSAGE: niftkOtsuThresholdImage [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkPadImageProgram to enlarge the image size and pad it with a background value. niftkPadImage input output size_x size_y size_z pad_value
niftkPickPointsOnStereoVideoInterogates a tracking and video directory for tracking
niftkPivotCalibrationCalibrates a Pointer Device using a single point, pivot
niftkPointSetRegisterRegisters two point sets, either ordered or using
niftkPointSetStatisticsReads an MITK point set and outputs some
niftkPointSetTransformTransforms a point set using a matrix
niftkPrintDICOMSeriesUSAGE: niftkPrintDICOMSeries [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkProject3DPointsToStereoPairGiven a stereo pair of calibrated video images, will take a
niftkProjectionGeometryCreate a set of tomosynthesis projection matrices.
niftkProjectTrackedPointsOnStereoVideoInterogates a tracking and video directory for tracking
niftkRegionalMammographicDensityUSAGE: niftkRegionalMammographicDensity [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkRegMNI-T1-B0.pyThis script is for MS registration preprocessing. It calculates the transformation from Atlas to T1, and form T1 to B0 following the guidelines of: Muhlert et al. JMRI 2013. DOI: 10.1002/jmri.23970
niftkReorientateImageThis program reorientates, that is flips and/or permutes the voxels of, an image. It can be used to (a) correct the orientation of an image by changing
niftkRescaleRuns ITK RescaleIntensityImageFilter.
niftkRescaleImageUsingHistogramPercentilesUSAGE: niftkRescaleImageUsingHistogramPercentiles [–returnparameterfile
niftkResetDirectionFieldTakes a copy of an input image, copying data into another image, where the origin, spacing and direction can be over-written.
niftkResetVoxelDimensionsFieldLoads an image in, and sets the voxel size to the ones you specified.
niftkReviewVideoDataInterogates a tracking and video directory for tracking
niftkSampleImageProgram to sub (>1) or super (<1) sample an image, applying appropriate smoothing if required.
niftkScalarConnectedComponentImageFilterUSAGE: niftkScalarConnectedComponentImageFilter [–returnparameterfile
niftkSegmentationStatisticsComputes segmentation statistics between different segmentations. Initially based on Shattuck et. al. NeuroImage 45(2009) 431-439.
niftkSegmentForegroundFromBackgroundUSAGE: niftkSegmentForegroundFromBackground [–returnparameterfile
niftkSeriesReadVolumeWriteProgram to convert a set of images into a an image volume.
niftkSetBorderPixelSimply sets the border pixel to the specified value.
niftkShiftProbThis program adjusts prob. output from STAPLE
niftkShiftScaleRuns the ITK ShiftScaleImageFilter.
niftkShrinkImageRuns the ITK ShrinkImageFilter.
niftkSmoothPolyDataRuns the VTK vtkSmoothPolyDataFilter on a vtkPolyData.
niftkSplitVideoLooks for a suitably named video and framemap.log file and
niftkSplitVolumeIntoVoxelPlanesProgram to split an image volume into individual planes of voxels.
niftkSTAPLEThis program perform STAPLE on input segmentations.
niftkSubsampleImageUSAGE: niftkSubsampleImage [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkSubtractUSAGE: niftkSubtract [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkSubtractSliceFromVolumeSubtracts a 2D image from a specific 3D volume slice.
niftkSwapIntensityTakes an image and swaps one intensity for another.
niftkT1PDT2Lesions.pyThis script fills lesions in the T1 image allowing different ways using the patch-based method Prados et al. MICCAI 2014.
niftkTestCompareImageChecks scalar images. Will throw exceptions if check fails. By default does nothing. You have to specify at least one test to perform.
niftkTestImageGenerates a 3D test image, either a binary cuboid, binary ellipsoid, grid, or test card type pattern.
niftkThinPlateSplineScatteredDataPointSetToImageUSAGE: niftkThinPlateSplineScatteredDataPointSetToImage [–returnparameterfile
niftkThinPlateSplineWarpUSAGE: niftkThinPlateSplineWarp [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkThresholdRuns the ITK BinaryThresholdImageFilter.
niftkTransformationTransforms an image by a transformation.
niftkTransformPoint3Dto2DProgram to load a 2D-3D transformation and transform a 3D point into 2D.
niftkTransformPolyDataTransform's a VTK Poly Data file by any number of affine transformations.
niftkTriangulate2DPointPairsTo3DTakes a file of 2D point pairs (left and right), and
niftkTwoTrackerAnalysisInterogates a tracking and video directory for tracking
niftkUltrasoundPinCalibrationCalibrates an US probe using a single pin/cross-wire
niftkUltrasoundPinCalibrationClickerEnables the user to scroll through images, and click on a
niftkUltrasoundTransformAndImageMergerMerges a directory of ultrasound images (*.nii) and
niftkUnaryImageOperatorsOnDirectoryTreeUSAGE: niftkUnaryImageOperatorsOnDirectoryTree [–returnparameterfile
niftkVesselExtractorUSAGE: niftkVesselExtractor [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkVideoHandEyeByCrossCalibrationCalibrates stereo laparoscopic video using a single cross
niftkVideoTestClientGrabs video via OpenCV and sends via NiftyLink.
niftkVideoToImagesConverts and video file and framemap.log file to a set of
niftkVideoToSurfacesInterogates a tracking and video directory for tracking
niftkVolToFreeSurferTakes a FreeSurfer surface (in ASCII format), and a volume containing (eg.) thickness data, and then for each point in the surface, finds the thickness, either the closest in the neighborhood, or by smoothing and dividing the volume data.
niftkVotingBinaryIterativeHoleFillingImageFilterUSAGE: niftkVotingBinaryIterativeHoleFillingImageFilter [–returnparameterfile
niftkVoxelWiseMaximumIntensitiesUses ITK ImageFileReader to load any number of input images, calculates the maximum intensity on a voxel by voxel basis and writes the output with ITK ImageFileWriter. All input images must be the same size, are converted to float on input, and hence are float on output.
Summary Measure the distance between a set of points and a vtk poly data surfaceUSAGE: niftkVTKDistanceToSurface [–returnparameterfile <std::string>]
niftkVTKIntegrationTestsAvailable tests: 0. niftkVTK3PointReaderTest
niftkVTKIterativeClosestPointRegisterUSAGE: niftkVTKIterativeClosestPointRegister [–returnparameterfile
niftkVTKUnitTestsAvailable tests: 0. niftkVTKInterpolateMatrixTest
niftkCore:bin/GenerateCommandLineDoxygen: line 102: niftkCore:: command not found
libniftkCoreIO.sobin/GenerateCommandLineDoxygen: line 102: command not found
niftkIGIServices:bin/GenerateCommandLineDoxygen: line 102: niftkIGIServices:: command not found
libniftkICPRegService.sobin/GenerateCommandLineDoxygen: line 102: command not found
libniftkNDITrackerDataSourceService.sobin/GenerateCommandLineDoxygen: line 102: command not found
libniftkNiftyLinkDataSourceService.sobin/GenerateCommandLineDoxygen: line 102: command not found
libniftkOIGTLSystemTimeService.sobin/GenerateCommandLineDoxygen: line 102: command not found
libniftkOpenCVVideoDataSourceService.sobin/GenerateCommandLineDoxygen: line 102: command not found
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libniftkQtAudioDataSourceService.sobin/GenerateCommandLineDoxygen: line 102: command not found